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levator ani?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by okaoka, Sep 18, 2024.

  1. okaoka

    okaoka New Member

    Hello friends.

    I wrote here before and I need some encouragement again.
    I suffer from pain in my anal area. I had hemorrhoids surgeries in the past so the area is very sensitive to me.
    I have this kind of burning or pressure feeling in the anal. I read a lot about TMS and I understand it might be just muscle spasm that is coming from unconscious emotions etc. I am trying the TMS technics, I am trying to keep going and try to enjoy my life, but I can't shake off the maybe its structural thought.
    when I try to massage the area I can feel some tightness but there is a specific spot at the back of the anal area that is very tender for pressure and it make me feel it must be some problem with the nerves or something.

    I read many success story and TMS books and I try to follow the TMS theory but for some reason I can't convince myself enough that its all from emotions.

    needles to mention that a few doctors I went to see all told me there is nothing there and its just some inflammation and high muscle tone

    if someone here read my post and had similar story please share with me or talk to me in private

    Thank you very much and sorry for repeating the same subject

    Thank you!
  2. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @okaoka,

    My TMS symptoms have included pudendal neuralgia type pain and levator ani like pain. With the latter, I went for a poo one day and the pain in passing a stool sent me through the roof; it was absolutely horrendous! What followed was around a year or so of burning pain in my rectum. I got checked out and was told that they could find nothing wrong. So I just got on with life despite the pain and very slowly the pain reduced and finally one day it wasn't there anymore. The same went for my pudendal neuralgia type pain; that hung around for about 18 months (but that was only because in the first 12 months I was convinced that there was something structurally wrong going on... so my TMSing brain was succeeding in keeping me worried and focussed on my private parts and was essentially getting its own way).

    I hadn't had any surgery in those areas at all, so I appreciate that for you it's not easy to stop thinking that you've got physical damage going on due to the surgery you've had. However, you too have been checked out by doctors and told that there's nothing there except for high muscle tone and some inflammation... and the brain is perfectly capable of causing those kind of symptoms, often choosing to create them in areas of our body that we have had physical issues with, to include surgery, in the past... simply because we're more likely to believe that we've got structural issues going on there. Get a second opinion from the medical profession if you have to in order to alleviate your fears.... and resist the temptation to keep 'testing' and pressing and massaging those areas that are paining you and instead focus on getting on with life... at the end of the day a big part of one's recovery is about not fearing and thinking about the symptoms for all or most of the time.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2024
  3. okaoka

    okaoka New Member

    thank you very much
    actually i am not even sure whats the difference between levator ani syndrome and pudendal neuralgia. i never got those diagnosis from my doctors.
    I only got there is nothing there, the surgery heals good, a bit of inflammation, high muscle tone, stop thinking about it etc...
    also when i have a bm most of the time it does not hurt, just when some tear opens up, the pain is more from the pressure i guess, the muscle spasm
    BloodMoon likes this.

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