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Looking for a New/Online Program - TMS for SSRI Withdrawal

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by ChristopherJ34, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. ChristopherJ34

    ChristopherJ34 New Member

    Hi - I have been suffering from antidepressant withdrawal (wd) for over 5 mths which has been living hell. I believe some/all of this is TMS after reading doing a lot of research (ie Gustav video, this site, Sarno research, etc). I am reading two books but also trying to find an online program that I can follow as most TMS therapist are either not familiar with antidepressant wd and/or have very long times to get in to see them. Anyone know of any good resources for 1) good coaches/therapists or 2) online do it yourself programs.

    I replied to another post on this but believe it was a bit old?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Basic google searching shows that long withdrawals are not all that unusual. Mu suggestion is to go to the tmswiki.org “front” page of this website and read through the resources. Not all are up to date but there is a huge list of therapists/coaches.

    Likewise, the ppda page has an even larger and more up to date list of practitioners including medical doctors you can consult with virtually. https://ppdassociation.org/ (Psychophysiologic Disorders Association)
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

  4. ChristopherJ34

    ChristopherJ34 New Member

    This video is excellent and very well done. I’ve actually connected with the guy who did it and he had a lot of success with this approach. I am reading Dr. Schubiners book right now. Much love and thanks for your suggestions. God bless.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey @ChristopherJ34 - good resources from @Cactusflower (who is the expert on using our keyword Search function!)

    It occurs to me that your thread title looks like you have found a "new/online program" rather than asking for help to find one. Might I suggest changing your title to add "Looking for" in front? That might attract more members who have ideas for you. If you can't edit your title, I can do that (as a moderator).
  6. ChristopherJ34

    ChristopherJ34 New Member

    Sure. If you could go ahead and change it, that would be awesome. Thank you.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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