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Measurable success only 3 weeks in

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by lucieG, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    Dear Friends,

    My pain levels are down 50% at least in the 3 weeks since I started relating my sciatica pain to TMS.

    There are times I feel no pain at all. And there are times I feel pain differently from when I started this investigation.

    The things that I have undertaken so far:

    -- Talking to my brain that the pain is no longer useful, I am strong, I am dealing with my emotions.

    -- Since I work a manual job, I have lots of thinking time, too, to pay attention to what causes me rage now and what caused me rage in the past. I also like to revise events with a different ending. For this approach, I am really indebted to @Michael Coutts for describing how he goes about it.

    -- I started the SEP per @JanAtheCPA recommendation. Not keeping to one lesson a day but I get a lot of each one.

    -- I check the forum daily. The success stories are outstanding. They keep me motivated and believing. The peer support is phenomenal. Thank you everyone!

    -- I read @TG957's book and am taking baby steps in trying to meditate. That's a tough one for me. So I am starting with guided meditations. Someone on the forum (sorry, I forget who) recommended the hypnosis videos by Thomas Hall. YES! Check it out! I slept while listening to his 8-hour " Sleep Without Chronic Pain - Sleep Hypnosis Session - By Minds in Unison" on YouTube (). It was actually a little much: I didn't sleep well while the sounds were playing and I stopped the video after 6 hours! BUT by the next evening, my pain levels had dramatically reduced. I couldn't figure out why because I had done little TMS reflection that day. Then I remembered the long night and the video. I plan to do it again, maybe once a week.

    Keep at it everyone!
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow, just wow! Lucie, you are a rock star, so brave, so persistent!
    JanAtheCPA and lucieG like this.
  3. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    Gotta love the Beloved Grand Eagles and all here for the encouragement and the tips! :)
    JanAtheCPA and TG957 like this.
  4. amesbee83

    amesbee83 New Member

    Thank you for sharing this sleep hypnosis: I am going to try it out!
    So glad to hear you’re making progress. I, too, am 2/3 weeks into treating my pain and weird sensations as TMS and bar some really minor wobbles have also felt great alleviation in symptoms.
    JanAtheCPA and lucieG like this.
  5. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    @amesbee83 that’s fantastic! And great to have a buddy walking through this at the same time!
    amesbee83 likes this.
  6. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @lucieG,
    Could you direct me to where @Michael Coutts advised about revising events with a different ending -- I tried searching his postings but couldn't find the appropriate section. I'd like to have a go at that.
    Also, thank you for posting the Thomas Hall video. I've been using his 20 min one on YouTube for pain and am finding it's starting to help.

    P.S. This is Thomas Hall's 20 minute video for pain. Thought I'd add a link, for anyone who's interested, as he has a lot of videos:

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
    lucieG and ARCUser831 like this.
  7. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    Hey there BloodMoon,
    I think that what LucieG was talking about is written up in my post 'Blow Them Up' or 'Kill Them With Carrots'. Maybe she was keeping it light.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  8. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks very much for that, Michael. I'll go and look up that post.
    lucieG likes this.
  9. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    That’s the one! Super useful and creative technique.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  10. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    So great you posted the link to the Thomas Hall video, @BloodMoon! I struggle to relocate it myself when I want to listen.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  11. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    You're welcome! :) Thought I'd add a link to @Michael Coutts 's 'Blow Them Up or Kill Them With Carrots' thread too, which I think is great. I'm going to start doing some 'detonating' of my own today. I'd done some work before to change the endings of some of my memories of bad experiences to something happier, but I never made the new endings humorous -- I simply love the idea of that! https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/blow-them-up-or-kill-them-with-carrots.27833/ (BLOW THEM UP or KILL THEM WITH CARROTS)
    lucieG likes this.
  12. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter


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