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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jackmat, May 9, 2024.

  1. jackmat

    jackmat New Member

    I am posting two incidents of mimicking symptoms. Just posting the facts. I am not entirely sure if I am in the right subforum so please transfer to where it belongs.

    Incident I:

    In March 2005, after a period of stress, I suffered extreme food intolerances. It took 18 months before discovering that my cholesterol lowering medication (statins, which I had previously taken for three years without side effects), was the cause. I withdrew statins and began to heal rapidly.

    In August 2008, I suffered a stressful incident and found myself having the same food intolerances of 2005. I was alarmed because I was no longer taking the original cause of my intolerances - statins. In Feb 2009, I was told TMS was the cause. I read Sarno and began a very rapid recovery.

    Remarkably, my brain had mimicked the symptoms I experienced under statin therapy. Without TMS insight, it would have continued its merry way to making me very ill.

    Incident 2:

    During my 2005 illness, my wife had to go overseas for a period of a month. I missed her terribly and found myself going to the toilet to pee every half to one hour. Even at night, I was waking up every hour to pee. After a month or so, I noticed a cut in the skin at the tip of my penis. The irritation of my clothing against the tip was stimulating the urge to pee. The cut healed after applying ointment and the urge to pee disappeared.

    In April 2024, my wife again went overseas, and I was struggling with her absence. Within a few days I was peeing every half an hour in the daytime and hourly at night. There were no cut on my penis, yet the same symptoms as in 2005, were occurring.

    I soon realised that my wife’s absence was the trigger. Once I acknowledged TMS, the symptoms disappeared almost immediately.


    In both instances my brain mimicked symptoms of earlier incidents. Both times the original cause of the problem was no longer present and could not be to blame. Both times I was fooled into believing there was a real injury or problem. I trust this is TMS and nothing else?

    Regards to all
    Gary aka Jackmat
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