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MIT neurosurgeon indirectly validated TMS.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Back-To-Golf, Jul 14, 2024.

  1. Back-To-Golf

    Back-To-Golf Peer Supporter

    Chance upon this video and thought I just have to share! This MIT neurosurgeon might have realized about TMS without realizing it himself. I would suggest to be familiar with the basic concepts of TMS before watching his video.

    The aha moment at 12.30 "those medical tools aren't fixing the problem...." and when he notice that sometimes, people are starting to heal themselves mysteriously.
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    When I went through the system, I met a neurosurgeon with very similar beliefs...and he wouldn't operate on me. I went and found someone who would..and of course that didn't work. We do need doctors. They are important..it is their collective "cut and paste first" that is giving them the horrible results they have.

    Love this guy. He reminds me of my Doctor.
    BloodMoon, Diana-M, TG957 and 2 others like this.
  3. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I did not go to MIT, and I am not a neurosurgeon, I am just an ordinary person with brain (hopefully). Here is my view on the subject, written 6 years ago:

    Not being a psychologist or a physician, I am attempting to explain the difference between cure and healing from my layman’s point of view.

    Picture a “bucket” of resources that your body needs to survive and thrive. Imagine that if there is a hole through which your resources are being depleted, the outflow would grow as you accumulate destructive pressures on your body along your life path. If you don’t learn how to properly react to the pressures and prevent the hole from growing bigger, sooner or later you will lose the ability to replenish your “bucket.”

    Cure usually means that you physically “plug” the hole or increase the inflow of resources by getting surgery or taking medication. But an externally applied plug may not always stop the hole from re-opening again, which would require taking medication forever or repeat surgeries.

    Healing means that you figure out how to absorb and dispose of negative effects of life pressures in a way that does not increase the drain on your resources. Healing means that you utilize the internal resources of your body and mind to become more resilient.

    Everything in our body is connected, and the nervous system, being involved in every psychological and physiological process in our mind and body, can act either as a helper or as an enemy. It will mobilize and redirect your resources to where they are needed, or, if your internal resources are insufficient to overcome the stress, it will start diverting resources from other parts of the body to the one that is in crisis. By the same token, if we are worrying and stressing out when we are sick, we are putting additional undue pressure on the nervous system and are re-directing our resources to unproductive activities, which worrying often is.

    BTW, each time I went backpacking in the wilderness like in this video, all of my pains went away - until I went back to my daily stresses. My avatar picture taken in one of those places.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
    HealingMe, Ellen, BloodMoon and 3 others like this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I hope that upon further reflection he finds a way to use his new understanding as others have done - one notable example from his own field would be David Hanscom MD, the former back surgeon who has established a new career as a proponent of recovery with mindbody knowledge and skills: https://backincontrol.com (Home - Back in Control) (we've got a ton of Dr Hanscom's blogs reposted here).
  5. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, Jan, I tried to direct him to make contact with David Hanscom MD.
    BloodMoon, Diana-M and TG957 like this.
  6. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Love love love this!!!
    HealingMe and TG957 like this.
  7. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    What a wonderful video! He's such a beautiful soul! It's a long video, but well worth the watch. If you don't have the time to watch it all, someone did imo a good summary in the comments under the video on YouTube as follows:

    "A former neurosurgeon, decided to quit his high-paying, well-respected job after almost 20 years in the medical field because he realized that the surgeries he was performing were not addressing the root causes of patients' health issues. Despite initially pursuing neurosurgery with the goal of relieving suffering and helping people, he found that lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress management, and social support played a crucial role in patients' healing. This realization caused a moral dilemma for him, as the medical system's focus on profitable treatments like surgeries and medications conflicted with his understanding of true healing. With the support of his wife, he left his job to seek a more fulfilling and authentic life, despite the uncertainty and lack of a clear plan for the future."

    I also noted down from the video what Dr Goobie (the former neurosurgeon in the video) observed about his patients who healed themselves (before he had a chance to do any surgery on them). They had either all or most of the following things in common:
    • They got a good night's sleep.
    • Weren't stressed out (if they had a stressful job, they found a way to release that stress, through meditation, mindfulness - they found some way to release the stress).
    • Socialised with other people and/or had good social support - family, friends, children.
    • They had low or lowish salt content to their diet.
    • They ate mostly plant based foods (but weren't necessarily vegan or vegetarian).
    • They exercised.
    • They sweated -- from exercising, or lived in a warm place, or took saunas.
    • Didn't smoke.
    • Didn't drink, or didn't drink much, alcohol.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2024
  8. NastyPaz

    NastyPaz New Member

    I remember i met with a chiropractor to treat my backpain, i had "Degenerated disc disease" in two places paired with bulging discs. He could EASILY milk money out of me, because i was desperate and ready to believe whatever story he told me, it was so noticable. But instead you know what he told me?

    He said, "I seriously doubt that there is something structurally wrong with you, if we had longer time for our session, just by pep-talking i'm positive i could get you to squat a decent amount of weight without any pain at all" .. And then he asked me "How are you feeling mentally?" I was ofcourse a complete mess mentally and he said that my mental issues could be the reason for my pain, we talked about my issues abit (Lol this was almost like a visit with a pscyhologist, god bless his heart) and after my one visist we decided that i'm going to work on myself and not book further chiropractic sessions

    I went home, started looking for "Mind body back pain" etc and eventually ended up on youtube where Howard Stern was talking about how he cured his backpain, which led me to John Sarno and i eventually landed here.

    It took alot of work, but 12 months later i am completely pain free, i sit in the absolute worst kind of postures at my computer every day, i am extremely careless with my posture and how i sit and i walk around every day with 0 pain

    I went back to his office with two bottles of very expensive Whiskey and thanked him over and over, he was thrilled to see me thriving

    What a journey
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2024
    HealingMe, Ellen, JanAtheCPA and 3 others like this.
  9. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Great story!
  10. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Thanks for these summaries, @BloodMoon! Super helpful!
    BloodMoon likes this.
  11. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  12. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    I just noticed this afternoon on YouTube that Charlie Johnson an Orthopedic PT has responded to the MIT-trained neurosurgeon's retirement from spine surgery with his own take on orthopedic surgery. Echoes what many in the TMS world are saying too.
    Diana-M and BloodMoon like this.
  13. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    More reaction to the MIT-trained orthopedic surgeon's take on back surgery, this time from a naturopath therapist.

    I do know from personal experience that traditionally trained orthopedic back surgeons are the most resistant to body mind therapies for LBP (lower back pain). My own take on it is that it contains a potential for hitting them in the pocket book. "Follow the money. See who benefits." But I'm glad to see that this string is picking up some salient action and growing longer.
    BloodMoon and JanAtheCPA like this.
  14. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm a Brit and Dr Goobie's story has started to hit the press here in the UK too - there's an article about his YouTube video in the Daily Mail newspaper.

    We have a not-for-profit National Health Service (NHS) in the UK (which we have to pay into from our taxes) which also results in 'cookie cutter' treatment of patients.

    In recent years in the NHS there has a been a big move toward treatment protocols called "pathways" for as many things as possible, and once you're on a pathway there's no straying from it and the treatments are therefore uniform and it's * 'jobsworth' for doctors and other medical professionals working in the NHS to prescribe or suggest anything other than what's on the pathway protocol.

    (* 'Jobsworth' is a Brit colloquialism derived from the notion that something being asked of one in a work environment is too great to risk their job over, as in, "I can't do that; it's more than my job's worth.")

    The reasons for the pathways are, I surmise, an attempt to be fairer to people living in different parts of the UK as the NHS is made up of different health trusts/authorities that each decide how to spend and ration their limited budget which leads to a 'post code (zip code) lottery' as to what treatments as a patient you are and aren't offered, and to standardise the types of treatments offered and the level of care provided, and also as a shield against malpractice litigation... but it backfires in other ways to the detriment of patients, to include not allowing for patients to be treated holistically.

    Makes you wonder where in the world there might be an exemplary system in place that is far better for patients, and less stressful for doctors and surgeons who have a conscience like Dr Goobie.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
    Ellen, BruceMC and JanAtheCPA like this.
  15. louaci

    louaci New Member

    Great video. I was in his partner's position a few years ago. I told my partner to quit his toxic job (although not quite realizing that was part of cause of the back pain). We thought there was a plan back then and things would get back to "normal" after a few months, but life took us to a different turn and new understanding of Dr. Sarno's work really changes how we approach life. We are still working on the anxiety issue and will read the anxiety book recommended in this forum. Thank you. Great thoughts here.
    BruceMC, JanAtheCPA and BloodMoon like this.
  16. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Claire Weekes is the best!
  17. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    And the beat goes on! A neurosurgeon who actually worked alongside this guy chimes in in response to his original YouTube videos and gives his story even more depth!

    Would be interesting if Dr David Hanscom might chime in too?
  18. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Today the MIT neurosurgeon responded to the overwhelming response he received from his first YouTube video:

    Goobie and Doobie waxes philosophic on the meaning of success in our society while summarizing his own response to the overwhelming response he received to his original YouTube video.
  19. mbo

    mbo Well known member

    Great stuff ! Awesome.
    Definitely "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"
    BruceMC likes this.
  20. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    I sure notice that where there are the most ugly patient-physician conflicts in my local Adventist Hospital is in their Northern California Spine Institute. Name calling, charges of physician insensitivity etc etc. I get a feeling that that's no accident if the fundamental premises behind the surgical procedures performed there are false. Stands to reason, doesn't it?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024

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