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Day 13 Most Helpful Books and Videos and Podcasts: Oh my!

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by homorobothead, Feb 24, 2025 at 9:46 AM.

  1. homorobothead

    homorobothead Peer Supporter

    Good morning all!

    Today the program recommended that I post about the books and videos that helped me most, and since I am feeling albout 98% well now, thanks to all you beautiful people - as well as the handful of media that I'll list and explain below, I figured I'd make a little comprehensive list in case it helps someone else. Plus, I felt like I needed to add in some podcasts for our modern age.

    "Healing Back Pain" by Dr. John Sarno - really primed me for the idea that pain is made in the brain, but that that doesn't mean the pain isn't very physical and real by a real medical doctor.

    "The Way Out" by Alan Gordon - I am a recovering alcoholic (ten years sober!) and Dr. Sarno's work was like AA. It works for a lot of folks, some people swear by it, and it helped prime me, but for me it was too focused on certain aspects (powerlessness, surrender, selfish ego) that didn't work for my particular brand of psychic pain and made me lapse into a shame spiral (I already felt powerless because of my pretty traumatic past), which became counterproductive to my healing.

    I found another sobriety program called "Women for Sobriety" that was more focused on being kind to yourself instead of abusive (with substances) and to acknowledge that you do indeed have power. I feel like Alan Gordon's "The Way Out" was just like "Women for Sobriety" for me. I was already chastizing my brain and had deep shame around the idea of selfishness, so Gordon's gentler approach that focuses on being kind to yourself and befriending your brain and pain, along with outlined strategies for somatic tracking and leaving behind outcome dependence worked wonders for me!

    PBS Your Brain: Who's Really in Control? -
    This video is a fascinating exploration of our unconscious processes. It really drives home the idea that our brains are doing things below the surface all the time.

    Alan Gordon doing a somatic tracking and pain reprocessing session in real time. It's amazing to see and gave me the confidence to move my neck without worry:

    Positive Affirmation Video: It's positive brainwashing! We so often brainwash ourselves with negative thoughts and images, which keys up our nervous system, this sweet woman's voice is so calming, and the messaging is so kind:

    Pain Rehab Podcast: https://painrehabsource.com/podcasts/ (Pain Rehab Podcasts – PainRehabSource) it has a ton of guided meditations that are short and easy, and dedicated to people with chronic pain.

    Huberman Lab with Sean Mackey: https://www.hubermanlab.com/episode/dr-sean-mackey-tools-to-reduce-manage-pain (Dr. Sean Mackey: Tools to Reduce & Manage Pain - Huberman Lab) - So much fascinating research about how pain comes from emotional centers in the brain from Sean Mackey, M.D., Ph.D., Chief of the Division of Pain Medicine and Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine and Neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine.

    Tell Me About Your Pain with Alan Gordon: https://mytmsjourney.com/resources/tell-me-about-your-pain-podcast/ (Tell me about your pain podcast)

    I hope some of these will help you like they helped (and are helping) me. Thank you all so much again! Your support has been absolutely critical in my recovery.
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.

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