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My brain is so good at TMS, it's almost funny. (Swelling...)

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by L2wahl, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. L2wahl

    L2wahl Newcomer

    The current manifestation (as a result of a bunch of stress) is a very swollen knee that had me on crutches for a week and still limping. X-rays showed some arthritis but the non-painful knee is much worse. There's no conceivable reason for one knee to be swollen. (I've had visible swelling produced 100% by my brain two times prior; once while mimicking carpal tunnel, and another time during a 2 year "plantar facitis" trial.) When I tell myself "the X-rays show nothing" before each step, the pain goes away but part of my brain has to be constantly reminded that there's nothing actually wrong. It almost feels like a form of OCD. I wish the level of creativity was not quite so high, as I have to wonder about every symptom. Is the achilles unhappy or is it TMS threatening? Is my restless leg at night TMS? When I first had that thought, I slept great for three nights in a row. Well, at least I know it can be overcome with the right mental programming.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    It’s good you were checked out medically and understand what’s going on. Are you able to identify anything going on in your life that may be behind the symptoms? How are you dealing with fear toward the symptoms?

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