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My EDS story

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by Liemma, Jan 28, 2025 at 3:02 AM.

  1. Liemma

    Liemma Newcomer


    I am from France (so please excuse the mistakes). I have EDS and I am now pain free since 6 years.

    In a nutshell, I was suffering from intense join pain since childhood. At around 28, the situation went so bad that I was suffering all day long. I spent my days in bed, incapable of doing anything else. Even taking a shower was a nightmare. Painkillers didn't do anything for me.

    I saw one of the biggest specialist of EDS in Europa. He said that it was clearly EDS and that I have to learn to live with that. But I didn't want to resign myself to live like an old lady at 28. So I made a lot of researches, read many books, etc. And I came to the conclusion that it was link to my emotions. I grew up in a very dysfonctionnal family with a lot of violence. I had to shut down my emotions and be the nice girl.

    It took me a lot of time working on my emotions, healing my inner child, working on my perfectionnism and learning to say no to people. This forum and Dr Sarno's books helped me a lot. It wasn't an easy path. But I am so happy I did it! I am now 37 years old, working, doing a lot of volunteer work, and I have 2 girls. I am pain free since 8 years now. I can say now that having these painfull illness wasn't a curse but a blessing because it helped me to do the work to connect to myself, to learn how to be strong, confident, put clear boudaries and to speak for myself . I am so happy now! I love my life.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025 at 3:08 AM
    Eivor and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I am so pleased for you!! So many people do not realise how their trauma and repressed emotions 'lock' in their bodies and cause their ill health.... Those of us who get it are really lucky - we get another chance at life!!!
    JanAtheCPA and Liemma like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's great to have another EDS Success Story for this subforum, @Liemma! I'm also glad you posted your success on that older Support thread that had asked for EDS help. I thought the input from @clarinetpath about the increase in EDS diagnoses was quite interesting, from a clinician's point of view.
    Liemma likes this.

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