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My journey so far - Pelvic Pain/IC

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by peacefulSloth, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. peacefulSloth

    peacefulSloth New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to share my own story with chronic pain/TMS because this forum, Dr. Sarnos books and Alan Gordon have played a huge role in my journey so far and I promised myself to help other pain sufferers with my experience.

    In March 2023, I first started to experience what I would call bladder pain. It was definetely after a very stressful episode in my live, because I had a lot of vaginal infections at that time which were coming almost every two weeks at that time. The pelvic pain started right at the same time with another fungal infection. But this time it did not go away after a couple of day with treatment. It stuck with me. First it came and went on some days but eventually I experienced it every single day.

    I went back to the doctor and she told me the infection was cleared out, there was nothing she could find. I googled a lot for my symptoms and read a lot of horror story of IC and CPPS. I joined some forums, where they talked about cutting off certain foods (IC Diet), pain killers, injections, surgery...

    People were living with this for years. I couldn't believe it.

    I was terrified.

    Thank god, in these forums, I read about Dr. Sarno and Alan Gordon as well and it was the first time I got hopeful again. And it really blowed my mind. Could this be true? Before that, I had never really experienced TMS so there were definetely some doubts. And I had read so many scary things about it, that it was hard not to be fearful.

    But somehow I knew that this was the truth and it made so much sense to me.

    After I read the books, I started going out more, bringing back the joy into my life, started to see my pain psychologically and tried to fight the fear and not the pain.

    But it was and it still is not as easy as I thought. The fear can be overwhelming, it shuts off every last rational thinking of my brain when it is there.

    That is where I am now. I have good days and days where the pain and fear comes back. I feel like the episodes without pain got longer and I don't always fear the pain. And I don't cut back on any activity even when I experience pain.

    I've learned to see the pain not as an enemy to fight. I went to an acucturist once who told me: "It is good that you are feeling. If you were not feeling anything you would be a robot, not a human."
    So I kind of try to see my pain now as a part of the human experience that I just have to live at the moment.

    I will keep you updated on my journey. Maybe I will share a full recovery story one day, maybe not. I does not matter anyways since I love my life the way it is.

    Wish you all the best healing journey and lots of love and light in your life!
    fridaynotes likes this.

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