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Need advice on getting a good therapist

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Bowen, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. Bowen

    Bowen Peer Supporter

    Hello my name is Bowen and I am from Australia. Ive have TMS so many years now. And years ago I did all of the courses Sarno courses and TMSwiki and read all the books and worked with a TMS therapist over a year with no change. And since then I have done many different brain retraining programs and other types of methods to help my situation. It has got to the point where I am very debilitated and some reason it has brought me back here where I believe is my best chance of getting better. As mentioned I have done all the courses and the work and nothing has worked so I must be missing something. I want to find a therapist in America that is really good that I can work with however there are so many on the list I do not know where to start. I know that they have to be able to work online as most therapists do these days and if they were a psychologist it would also help me as I may be able to get funding to support me. The question is does anyone know or can recommend someone who could help me given the situation I am in?

    Many thanks

  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Bowen
    I understand where you are coming from.
    I thought I needed more and more help, but what I needed was to deeply to employ the skills I learned. To be honest with myself and to recognize that anxiety and fear keep me here. I realized I need work on those things myself, every day and mesh them into my life, to stop pressuring myself to heal, to slow down my mind. Asking questions in this forum or reading insights from other posts helps. But I know I have what I need to heal inside of me. Others can’t do it for us. The only thing I was missing was getting out of my head and into my heart.
    There are lists of TMS practitioners at tmswiki.org and on the PPDA and SIRPA and Pain Reprocessing websites. Tons of people all over the world.
    My sense is that you, like myself have approached all this with your head, but this is a psychological process and you must approach it with your heart. Be willing to get vulnerable and open yourself to healing. You clearly know the skills to employ, learning lots. Perhaps really pressuring yourself to heal?
    Do you use any of the skills you learned regularly? Have you been able to make them part of your life?
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2023
  3. Bowen

    Bowen Peer Supporter

    Thank you Cactusflower I appreciate your response. And to answer your question at the moment I am mainly just using Meditation and gradual exposure to more exercise. However having said that yes I have spent many years using the I have learnt regularly and incorporated them into my daily life. I get to the point where I have been using them so long with no change there is obviously not going to be a change if I keep doing the same thing. I then adjust and continue and still get the same thing. I understand what you mean by living from the heart and I try to do that although I could probably do more work on that well,I could definitely do more work on that. I am always working on gratitude and self compassion as well. I do so much work on living from the heart however maybe I need more guidance with it as it has not got me better.

    I have only looked at the practitioners on TMSwiki and there are so many I don't know how to choose?

    I do not have much left in the tank and it is all that overwhelming to me trying to find someone that will suit me.
  4. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Given the fact that you feel you have stalled out, I would recommend you check out Dr. Dan Ratner (he has a YT podcast and IG Lives) and the groups he offers at Crushing Doubt. Doubt can be quite a roadblock and he is particularly good going deep with this issue. He also has coaches trained in his framework. Good luck!
  5. Bowen

    Bowen Peer Supporter

    Thank you @Miffy I will check him out.

    If anyone else has any other recommendations please let me know.

    Many thanks
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
    miffybunny likes this.

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