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Need some suggestions for next step

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by chopper72, Feb 20, 2025.

  1. chopper72

    chopper72 Peer Supporter

    I am a long time TMS struggler with many manifestations of pain. My latest is knee pain. It started slowly and got worse. My brother convinced me to get a cortisone shot which made the pain worse. The doctor noted arthritis in the knee but said it was not too bad and I was not a candidtate for replacment. The reason I struggle with this pain as TMS is that the more I use it the worse it gets. However, I had quite a revelation the other night. I had an abscessed cyst on my stomach that caught me by surprise. I had to go to the emergency room two days ago to get it drained. I was tired and stressed but I noticed in the hospital that my knee pain was gone and I was walking without a limp. I knew then that my knee pain was TMS. However, the next day it was better but still painful. So I attacked it by doing a bunch of exercise and today it feels worse again. I feel like the pain is trying to protect me from strong anxiety regarding my wife showing signs of Alzheimers. She is my best friend and emotional rock. So please give me some specific advice for what you would do next. Thank you so much.
    HealingMe likes this.
  2. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    I am so sorry to hear about your wife. That is hard.

    For folks to give suggestions on what you can do next, can you tell us a little more about you've already done?
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @chopper72
    There are a few things you can do. I'm not sure how much TMS work you have ever done, but it you haven't read, or it's been a long time since you read a book by Dr. Sarno, a refresh might be a good idea. Open your mind again to his concepts.

    Working through the free SEP program that focuses on journaling may be a really good option for you, combined with what Dr. Sarno suggests are some of the reasons for TMS (like RAGE), you can find it here. Even if you've done it in the past, another refresh might be helpful for you to recognize some hard emotions. https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Structured_Educational_Program (Structured Educational Program)

    Having a family member with a diagnosed or diagnosed illness brings up so much uncertainty. This is really difficult for some TMS personalities who rely on control as a measure of keeping some stressors at bey; control is just a coping mechanism so many of us learned. I found his podcast really helpful with the idea of control and how it can create stress that leads to symptoms:

    To that end, it's a very hard thing to face, but you'll need to begin getting your wife to get some treatment. Many treatments can help, but for you, it offers you some guidance with what you can and can't control, what you can expect, and how you can begin to allow all the emotions that surround hard things.

    When I was 14, I noticed my Dad having neurological symptoms. Luckily he recognized them after I pointed them out and he was diagnosed with early onset Parkinsons. So I understand all that goes with such diagnoses. Finding out early can help you get the support you both need. You'll need to be able to put yourself up there in importance of caring for yourself, it's very important for you own well being. I think you are very smart to be starting now.
  4. chopper72

    chopper72 Peer Supporter

    I haven’t done much work like journaling. I have been lucky enough to have a couple of book cures. After one doctor told me my spine had a defect I had back pain for two years. After another doctor told me my back was fine, the pain disappeared in the car never to come back. I had a shoulder problem and a doctor suggested surgery. When he went in he didnt find much wrong but said, “ It appears like your shoulder wasn’t getting adequate blood flow”. Dang TMS! So i need to do some work on this one. Thanks for the suggestions

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