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New connection between Long Covid and hyperactive immune system

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by JanAtheCPA, May 2, 2024.

  1. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hah! If anyone has followed my various ramblings about the immune response, its connection to inflammation, and inflammation's connection to stress - you'll know why I'm posting this new information. In my (admittedly non-professional) opinion, this discovery affirms those associations.

    This is from a new article from National Geographic, which is probably behind a paywall at this link. A few excerpts are below, with my bolding.

    Is long COVID forever? A new study has clues.
    BySanjay Mishra
    May 01, 2024

    A new study shows that an abnormally active immune system, a characteristic of long COVID patients, largely subsides two years after the initial infection.
    While scientists don’t know what causes long COVID, a hyperactive immune system appears to play a major role in persistent symptoms. A new study, published in Nature Communications, now shows that this heightened immune response calms down in long COVID patients 24 months after initial infection.
    The study doesn't explain why some long COVID patients did not get better, but this could be due to other underlying health conditions, says Matthews. However, there is evidence of significant improvements in both immunological disturbances and the self-reported health of many patients two years post-COVID.

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