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New here! Vision issues/headaches/tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by mcschmidt094, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. mcschmidt094

    mcschmidt094 Newcomer

    Hey everyone, first time here. For more than 2 months I have had vision changes that are really disturbing as well as headaches and a feeling of soreness around my right eye. It's like my eyes aren't focusing together correctly, I'm a bit light sensitive, and I have had a massive explosion of floaters in my right eye that are there constantly. At some point in the past two months I also developed tinnitus.

    Disclaimer: I have had multiple eye exams, seen a neurologist, MRI, etc etc, everything comes back normal.

    I have a friend who introduced me to the TMS world after she had daily migraine for a year and is migraine-free after TMS work. I've been told that my symptoms are "persistent aura migraine" since I do have a history of aura migraines, I've also been told they can be caused by my TMJ disorder. I am about a month in to learning about TMS and trying to look inward. I fit the TMS personality 100%. I am listening to the Nicole Sachs podcast, journaling almost daily, trying meditation techniques, I downloaded the Cureable app, and I am working with a therapist. My headaches seem to be a bit better but I am still having these 24/7 visual issues.

    I am 100% certain that stress and long repressed anger and emotions fueled these symptoms, but because my symptoms feel more unique than something like back pain, I am having a hard time believing that this is really all TMS. I know it takes time for TMS work to get rid of our symptoms but I am starting to feel discouraged that after a month my vision still hasn't cleared up. I am looking into PT for my TMJ issues in case that could be contributing to this, doing massage therapy to ease muscle tension in my head, and going to a chiropractor because of neck issues I've had, and I am trying to figure out the balance of doing all of this and also doing the TMS work.

    I'm really here seeking words of encouragement to keep going with the TMS work and would especially love to hear from anyone who has had issues with their vision!
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @mcschmidt094 and welcome.

    Did you notice in your post how the first time you wrote "TMJ" it turned into a hyperlink? Did you follow that link by any chance? You'll find it lands on a web page on our main Tmswiki.org site with a bunch of links about TMJ, including a bunch of success stories from the old TMSHelp website (some notes about that below).

    I am happy to do so, @mcschmidt094!

    So here's the deal:
    As long as you have doubt/belief that your TMJ condition is not TMS, and because you've already latched on to the possibility, as somebody surmised (probably because they didn't have anything else to suggest) that TMJ might be related to your visual issues... you're going to struggle with continuing symptoms.

    Thank you for telling us that you are medically cleared of any obvious conditions that need treatment. That makes it a lot easier for us to say: why the heck not treat everything as TMS? At this point you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    Doing this means letting go of TMJ treatment and letting go of directed physical therapy. In their place, try starting our Structured Educational Program, which you'll also find on the main page of tmswiki.org. It's totally free, there's not even any kind of registration or sign in needed. You Just Do It.

    Good luck!

    Notes regarding TMSHelp.com:
    Our wiki page at http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Temporomandibular_Joint_Syndrome_(TMJ) (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)) was probably written before 2011, very early in the life of our forum, so we didn't have stories to offer back then, but TMSHelp had already been around for a while and was very active.

    You may need a PC to be able to read the TMSHelp pages - the site is running on an outdated platform which isn't optimized for mobile browsers.

    Rather sadly, TMSHelp is not being moderated, and it was taken over first by TMS spam and then by foreign spam, so it's essentially dead. But it was THE original TMS web site, and it contains an amazing amount of awesome TMS discussions.
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hi! I can totally relate. I feel like my symptoms are so weird, but over and over, I keep seeing and hearing that TMS can do ANYTHING. Anything. Let that soak in. You are lucky that you know doctors can’t find anything wrong with you. That’s huge! Now you can go forward and do the work confidently. Very few people heal fast, so you have really only just begun. Don’t be discouraged. Have hope! Have you read The Divided Mind, by John Sarno. It’s the book where he starts to go into all the other types of TMS besides back pain. It clarifies a lot. Hang in there!
    Last edited: May 2, 2024
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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