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New Symptom in early pregnancy - TMS?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by ARCUser831, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I have recently found out that I am pregnant - only 5 weeks along. As I long suspected, the symptoms that I have been battling -- and making much progress on -- have entirely ceased since becoming pregnant. I speculate this may be due to a couple different reasons:

    1. A prominent emotional stressor for me the last couple of years has been feeling "behind" in starting a family and in worrying that we may not be able to, and also in feeling much bitterness and sadness on this topic.
    2. I am far too distracted with other immediate stressors and worries, so the TMS is "taking a break" so to speak. OR finding fun new ways to display itself, which is why I'm writing this post.

    The first day I became confident I was pregnant (the day before officially taking a test) I was being kept all night by a sharp pain in my pubic bone. It was coming in waves and felt awful at some moments. In the week following, the sensation has come and gone, though never quite as bad as that first night. Nonetheless, it is taking up headspace and causing anxiety.

    While I'm well aware that this pain could obviously be one of the many joys of pregnancy and the pains in my body due to all of the changes going on, I wonder if my brain is amplifying the pain in that region because it is very close to where my original symptoms were.

    My question to you all ... even if this is not TMS, or entirely TMS anyway, do you think that practicing TMS healing methods like somatic tracking could help me here? I worry about the pain progressing as the pregnancy does, and my anxiety getting out of hand. I wonder if trying to teach my brain that these sensations are not actually quite as painful as they currently seem may benefit me. But maybe I'm being naive.

    There is a diagnosis called Pubis Symphysis in pregnancy that some women get, and I'm wondering if that may itself be a display of TMS. Has anyone had experience with this?
  2. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    At 5 weeks pregnant, there is no way you would have pubic synthesis. That's usually seen in late stage pregnancy and in soccer players. Osteitis pubis is the other term for it. With pregnancy, it resolves with child birth but some women can run into issues after multiple births. It doesn't apply here. In the case of soccer players, it resolves within a few months. The tms strategy is using the pregnancy to hijack your imagination. Don't get tricked and don't start monitoring or "tracking" things that are non existent (your obgyn will monitor the situation so you don't have to). Also don't pathologize pregnancy...it's all temporary and normal. It just puts more focus on the body, and creates issues where there are none. All of this a huge smokescreen for the real issues which is impending motherhood and life changes. Address your feelings around that rather than perpetuating the anxiety by obsessing about the body.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  3. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Hang in there - wishing you a beautiful pregnancy. I agree with miffybunny - this is TMS trying to fool you.
    JanAtheCPA, ARCUser831 and miffybunny like this.
  4. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    Thank you both so much, this is just what I needed to hear. I know I need to continue to get my anxious and fear-based thoughts under control as pregnancy will provide many opportunities to take advantage of that mindset…

    I am going to treat this latest symptom as TMS and trust that even pains I do feel during this time are - as you said - temporary and normal.

    the fact that it began as soon as I knew I was pregnant and is coming and going are in themselves evidence of a TMS expression. Thanks again!

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