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Numb burning feet legs - neuropathy like

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tom in NC, Aug 24, 2024.

  1. Tom in NC

    Tom in NC New Member

    Have not posted here in a long time. Im 70 fit no meds good health. 2021 my yr from hell. 2 ablations 2 cardioversions covid 2 young family deaths one a suicide & i began with pain. Tendonitis fatigue nausea headaches & numb feet
    All but feet resolved with tms work. Abusive father died 12-31-23. I then got worse. Now feet & legs burn & numb. Doubt has been my issue. Had many Dr & neurologist appts
    Now working with Rita - Miffybunny
    Fear worry doubt! Im much better in accepting now that im ok…..but
    TMS history aces 4 cptsd too. Had a book cure of brutal prostatitus 2015
    HealingMe and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Tom
    I don’t think you can do better than work with @miffybunny and give yourself time and space. You’ve been through a lot in a few short years and you’ve been successful during that time. I found @TG957 ’s book super helpful too. Her explanations of fears within her life in general, her unique approach to separating herself from anxiety through meditation and like miffybunny, the tenacity and belief in living a better life and conquering fear.

    NC is a beautiful place to enjoy life!
    Tom in NC likes this.
  3. Tom in NC

    Tom in NC New Member

    Thankyou Cactus i tried professional psyche for 7 mo but pain incresed as we unearthed my youth. As it got worse doubt increased. Im in the tms hall of fame
    Im so glad i connected to Rita. Her story was similar to mine. Hers crps. Yes we love NC
  4. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    Hi @Tom in NC ,

    It can be too easy to point to what isn't working or hasn't fully worked. I think, for a lot of us, moving forward with TMS recovery has lots of setbacks along the way--esp. when we're dealing with difficult symptoms that make it hard to fully enjoy life.

    *Book cures are remarkable (limited, of course--but still remarkable) and you had that in 2015 for what you describe as a brutal case of prostatitis.
    *After a year of significant pain & losses in 2021, more than what many people ever deal with in a year or 5 years, you let go of almost all symptoms (except the foot pain) with TMS work.
    *Then, a triggering event at the end of 2023 when your father passed. But, your recent move was to start working with someone who is highly capable and who you relate to and find success with.

    Sounds like you're doing really well in spite of some seriously difficult circumstances.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
    Ellen, Tom in NC and JanAtheCPA like this.
  5. Tom in NC

    Tom in NC New Member

    The burning is now so bad it creates doubt of TMS
    My wife son Rita Mike my old therapist my 2 closest friends are a billion% its tms. I have a trauma filled history yes (father belt beatings afib & flutter 2006-21 put under 15 time’s betrayal as my parents nearly destroyed my business & much more) my symptoms are bizarre but severe. Thanks for your kind words
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Excellent! Proof of the Symptom Imperative at work!

    Dr Sarno sure knew what he was talking about.
    HealingMe, Bonnard and Tom in NC like this.

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