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Odd TMS situation... am I alone?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by macoct1406, Dec 14, 2024.

  1. macoct1406

    macoct1406 Newcomer

    My TMS seems to be a bit different than what others have gone through and I wanted to know if anyone has gone through something similar. It started with chronic back pain that lasted about 9 years and subsided after reading Dr Sarno. I do have occasional flare ups but I can manage these. The issue I am running into now is I am having a string of "small injuries" that never seem to end. These injuries are things like twisting an ankle, knee, or wrist. Constantly pulled muscles throughout my body. Constantly hurt from something at the gym, no matter how careful I am, and a million other things that cause musculoskeletal pain. I do about 3-4 rounds of PT per year. Of the last 14 months I have been hurt about twelve of them.
    This also makes it next to impossible to rule things out since it is a string of injuries not just one or two areas of chronic pain. Does this sound like TMS to you all, or am I just legitimately hurt due to being accident prone and clumsy. Either way my life has come to a stand still. Can't work, accomplish anything, or even make plans for life. Thanks
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sounds like TMS to me. Our brains are very good at fooling us into thinking what we are experiencing is physical, not psychological. The good news is that you have recovered from TMS before and can do it again. You may need to go a little deeper this time by doing a daily, structured program. We have a free one on this site called the Structured Education Program.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    "how careful I am" is very telling about how you are viewing your ability to function normally and how much attention you tend to put on the physical.
    Why not work out with wild abandon and go for it?
    HealingMe likes this.

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