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osteoarthritis Hands

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by newarrior, Aug 19, 2020.

  1. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Just diagnosed with
    osteoarthritis in my fingers which I suspect is from two major injuries here in Thailand. Can this be TMS or am I heading into a life of chronic
    osteoarthritis and pain in my hands along with less and less ability to use my hands ? Also noticing pain in the hands, elbows and shoulders. Anyhow feeling what seems to be classic
    osteoarthritis in the hands---a feeling of deep joint pain, dropping things, weakness in my hands, hard to do things with my hands, less coordination with my hands.
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    @newarrior , here is the story for you. Not necessarily a proof that osteoarthritis is TMS, but at least the evidence that it is not a dead end. I was visiting a friend at the assisted living facility and was introduced to one old lady. She checked into the facility because the severe arthritis in her hands which almost entirely disabled her. She was given advice to sign up for jewelry class. In couple years, every doctor, nurse and nursing assistant at the place had a jewelry piece gifted by her. Her fellow residents got jewelry from her, her friends and family did, too. By then, she regained full dexterity in her hands. I have not seen X-ray of your hands, so I would not speculate about what I don't know, but I had similar symptoms in my hands and fully recovered.
    newarrior likes this.
  3. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    How did she and you recover ? Thanks !
  4. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    The old lady was making jewlery, which requires a lot of small finger and hand movements. The more she moved her hands, the easier it became. Eventually, her arthritus stopped bothering her and she regained dexterity in her hands. I am not a specialist in arthritis, but I believe it is what doctors recommend, to continue moving your joints and ligaments.

    My case was very different. I had CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) which was purely TMS, but I had stiffness in muscles and joints. I recovered by using TMS technique, mostly meditation and focusing on my emotional health, but also practicing Qi Gong, yoga and other healing arts. The fact that your pain started with injury and progresses into your arms suggests to me that you may have TMS. I had similar experience with mine.

    What is possible in your case, is combination of the two. Using meditation to balance out nervous system would not hurt you. Using exercise for your hands would not hurt you either. If I were you, I would try both and see if it helps.
  5. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    I am trying to use my hands less, meditate, eat ginger, continue with my low fat anti inflammatory vegan diet, being mindful of how I use my hands, watching stress etc...Under tremendous stress. 57, alone, no wife kids family career home pension girlfriend living overseas..Hearing heart + heart valve as well vision....I have a huge inheritance and a low cost of living....
  6. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Healthy diet is always good to maintain, TMS or not. However, minimizing use of your hands goes contrary to the concept of TMS and to what the lady with jewlery-based healing did. Again, the decision is yours whether you want to try TMS approach, but it takes substantial effort.
  7. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Thanks agreed understood
  8. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    thanks and understood. I'm praying for a good outcome
  9. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Hey a delayed reply 3 years later thanks again I'm running into some issues again that's great to hear man
  10. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @newarrior
    Did you ever investigate tms anymore after your initial inquiries?
    Read any books (Sarno) on tms or explore this website to see the free programs offered (scroll down tmswiki.org page).
    Some symptoms are “grey areas” - some tms practitioners believe they are tms, some aren’t so sure.. but there are quite a few who are seeing connections with anything considered inflammatory and the tms mechanism in the body.
    No matter what, you outlined some real emotional concerns and stressors in your post a few years ago. The tms work is aimed at changing how you deal with those stressors.
    Sometimes folks feel the need to have more solid belief in tms and their symptoms - for that, you might want to contact a TMS Dr. (many are available virtually) and discuss. There is also a link to a list of practitioners at tmswiki.org page
  11. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Been reading Sarno since 2005) My arthritis is getting worse sadly--this shows up in xrays---my pain get retriggered plus I have pain in new areas since a few aggressive massages in Vietnam last week(
  12. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    I have been working through Sarno work since 2005--my osteoarthritis originated in trauma from accidents sadly-massages, trauma to my hand from accidents, broken bones etc etc
  13. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Then even though you do Sarno’s work and ask if it can be tms you firmly believe it is not, that it is physical.
    The crux of Sarno’s work is belief. I’m not a doctor, I can’t tell you if the arthritis is or is not structural. All I know is that Dr. Sarno believed that x-rays and tests where not necessarily indicative of pain levels. Dr. Hanscom is a TMS Doctor, and has written about the mechanisms of pain and inflammation, and how when our nervous systems are ramped up our bodies real ease a lot of chemicals which created inflammation. He’s beginning to believe that this might be the mechanism for all or most inflammatory medical diagnoses. Dr. Clark also works in this area with TMS and inflammatory gut response to stress.
    Both teach that no matter what your diagnoses, being able to change your response to stress reduces symptoms.
    If you have not tried a formal tms program, I suggest you might try. You just might need to switch things up.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  14. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Indeed, agreeing with @Cactusflower 100%. I'll add Dr Gabor Mate as well. The entire premise of his seminal 2003 book is based on the physiological consequences of long-term emotional distress and repression.

    My lay knowledge about inflammation is that it is nature's primary physiological response to fear, stress, injury, illness, or invasion of our bodies by unwelcome outsiders. It is designed to do its job and then stand down. When our bodies are subjected to a constant and long-term inflammatory response as a result of stress, no matter the type or source, it eventually has a physiological effect unless there is mitigation of some sort. I want to hope and believe that some such physiological effects are reversible (I think we could easily come up with examples), whereas others might not be, but that's a big big subject on its own.

    In any case, mitigation of long term inflammation can take a number of forms - with emotional recovery at different levels of need or intensity (per the practices advocated on this forum) being one of them.
  15. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Agreed and thanks !
  16. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Can you give me websites or ways to contact either doctor you mention ? Thanks !
  17. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Agreed and thanks !
  18. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

  19. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Thanks and hello from Thailand where I have lived for 6 years--doubt there is anyone in SE Asia
  20. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is pretty common now for people to see TMS Doctors and coaches, psychologists via the internet now. You send doctors your test results, and have a Zoom meeting. I think most people don't have the opportunity to see these people in person, most coaches work online and Doctors are few and far between. Dr. Schecter is another TMS doctor, he's in the LA area and I know he does online consultations too, as does Dr. Hanscom.

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