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Penile Pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by marco12345, Apr 9, 2024.

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  1. marco12345

    marco12345 Newcomer


    I had an accident where I spilled some hot water over my crotch.
    The glans of my penis got scalded as well.
    Everything healed up nicely, everything looks normal again.
    However at on spot I still feel a constant burning sensation.
    And if touched it creates pain as well.

    Do you guys think its tms or neuroplastic pain?
    Is there any hope for recovery?

    During the time of the accident I was in a depression.
    One doctors stated that I hold on to the pain in order
    to not deal with my mental problems. If I cure my depression
    the pain will disappear.

    The pain prevents me from living my life.
    I am signed off sick and dropped out of the current semester at college.
  2. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Marco, How long ago was the hot water spill? If everything has healed up nicely than it does sound like a form of phantom pain. It sounds like your doctor was very wise to recognize that you hold onto pain in order to not deal with emotional issues.
    You don't have to "cure your depression" but if you do release some of the emotional muck (tucked away anger) the pains will likely dissolve away.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This question was duplicated in two different subforums by the OP, which causes confusion if the different threads receive different responses - which is unfortunately what happened, almost simultaneously in this case. That makes it hard to choose which thread to redirect to, but now that the thread in Support has received two responses, I'm going to redirect this thread to that one and close this one to further replies.
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/penile-pain.28100/ (Penile Pain)
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