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Persistant knee pain not tms but chiro adjustment?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jdhami89, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. Jdhami89

    Jdhami89 Newcomer

    Hi fellow persistant pain folks!

    just like you I have been experiencing persistent knee pain/weakness in just about every waking moment of my life with no structural or concrete disgnoses.

    on the other hand I did have some chiro adjustment early into treatment which I believe are at the root of all this suffering.

    my question to those with knee or back pain, do you believe it may be caused by any adjustments you had.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I was convinced for twenty years that my chronic and sometimes disabling neck spasms were the result of a skiing accident in which I whiplashed myself and suffered a minor fracture of either my C6 or C7 I forget which. During those 20 years I actually saw a chiropractor who would fix me up every time I had a major spasm, but she was frustrated by her inability to "fix" me long term. In 2011, Dr Sarno in The Divided Mind, along with a cranio-sacral doc, both convinced me that I did not need to have the muscle spasms anymore. The spasms stopped and I've never looked back. It took a little longer to get a bunch of other TMS symptoms to recede, and like many people I still have setbacks (aging doesn't help) but I'm in better shape now at 73 than I was 13 years ago.

    So my answer, keeping in mind that I am a retired accountant and not a medical professional, is No.

    Dr Sarno and many others remind us that our bodies were designed to heal, but that all pain messages originate in the brain and are capable of being maintained by the brain without a physiological reason. Phantom limb pain is proof of this process. That is all!
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
    BruceMC and TG957 like this.
  3. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    TMS is a trickster. Your brain could be engaged in the act of self-sabotage by latching onto any event that serves as a trigger. It very well could be that a chiropractic adjustment was that trigger. If it didn't cause any structural damage, how could it be the cause of continuous pain?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024

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