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Please give me some tips for somatic tracking!

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Simmon, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. Simmon

    Simmon Newcomer

    It's hard to get rid of feeling of annoyance and irritation due to the pain while doing somatic tracking. I wanna do it with curiosity instead of negative feeling.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Simmon:
    Are you doing any other TMS practice/methods besides Somatic Tracking?
    As you have noticed, it's not a tool for everyone. Not every single tms tool works for everybody, and sometimes things work at various times during our recovery period.
    There is also a form of Somatic Tracking called Pendulation - this helps the brain sense more safety by sensing areas of less tension as well as areas of more tension. Dr. Les Aria takes you though the method here:

    You are training your brain and that takes time. It might take a few days, a few weeks and maybe even a few months for your mind to deal with the exercise in a calm and gentle manner. That is the exact point of doing the exercise; to be able to spend moments accepting and not pushing away the symptoms.

    What you are noticing is how hard you are on yourself, it is a great time to begin do develop a kindness to those feelings of annoyance and anger. Let yourself feel these emotions and know that they will pass and this mindset of being stuck in anger and annoyance can pass too but it often takes other methods to help with a change of mindset.

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