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Please help. Stomach issues getting worse

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by twocups88, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. twocups88

    twocups88 Well known member

    Hi everyone. I had a nasty bout of diarrhea about a month ago that felt different before. I freaked out and immediately went on Reddit and read about IBS. I was convinced I had it. Dr. Told me I probably did because test came up clear. Everyday I wake up I’m in panic mode about my stomach as it just hurts and growls and feels uneasy. I’m scared to eat. Scared of this Fodmap diet. I’m in a constant state of panic and I don’t know how to get out. I haven’t had an appetite in days and I alternate between diarhea in constipation. I don’t know what to do. I was fine digestive wise a month ago.
  2. fridaynotes

    fridaynotes Well known member

    The central nervous system controls the bowels for the most part. if you’re anxious, stressed and on high-alert, then your unconscious may use the gastrointestinal system to manifest TMS issues. therefore, your body may have trouble processing food as a way of distracting you from something more psychologically taxing.
    personally, i found that when i did the inner work that TMS recovery requires, all my gastrointestinal issues cleared up.
    If you get everything checked out by a doctor and you don’t have anything dire and they can’t explain it; then it’s TMS!
    twocups88 likes this.
  3. twocups88

    twocups88 Well known member

    thank you for responding. What kind of stomach issues did you suffer with if you don’t mind me asking?
  4. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Indeed, as fridaynotes suggests, digestion is very sensitive to emotional upset. There are a lot of moving parts which react. If you don't worry about whatever the symptoms are, this is probably very helpful. Inquire into the underlying feelings, stressors, your history.
  5. twocups88

    twocups88 Well known member

    Thank you. Its like I can’t digest anything overnight. So weird. I try to forget about it but it’s hard when you can’t eat and have stomach pains all day.

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