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POLL : TMS & HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by ChronicVince, Dec 2, 2023.


Dear TMS sufferers, are you also a Highly Sensitive Person (hypersensitive) ?

  1. Yes, so much

  2. Sometimes

  3. Never

    0 vote(s)
  1. ChronicVince

    ChronicVince Peer Supporter

    I was wondering if, like me, a majority of TMS sufferers are hypersensitive.
    Let's vote about it !
  2. Mala

    Mala Well known member

    Bumping this up so others can vote.
  3. ChronicVince

    ChronicVince Peer Supporter

    Thank you @Mala
    Surprisingly, it seems we are not so many to be Highly Sensitive Person...
    Waiting a bit longer...
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sorry, @ChronicVince, but I am never able to respond to these polls, because my desired response is always too nuanced for the questions.

    I believe that my nervous system is highly sensitized to anything that my primitive survival brain thinks might be be a threat, including sudden loud noises or movement, bright light, strong odors etc. My automatic physical responses to these stimuli are much more sensitive than they used to be, and in fact too sensitive (for example, flinching at harmless noise or movement, becoming anxious about strong odors). It's not Not debilitating, but still, too much. I believe that a regular commited practice of meditation could probably help this.

    But it seems like you might also be referring to emotional sensitivity regarding interactions with other people. I certainly think that I am sensitive to people's nuanced meanings, and I'm sensitive to how they seem to be reacting to me, but I am also quite quickly able to remind myself that whatever they're saying or indicating is probably nothing I need to take personally (it's undoubtedly not about me!) - and I believe it, too. However, I divorced my husband because he took everything personally to the point where he was complaining about everybody all the time. 20+ years of it, getting worse over time, wore me down until I couldn't take it anymore!

    That's the long answer to your ostensibly simple poll. I don't have a short one :rolleyes:
  5. ChronicVince

    ChronicVince Peer Supporter

    Wow thank you @JanAtheCPA
    To introduce nuances I made the second option into the poll. ;)
    After reading your story, I guess you could totally reply Yes !
    I feel a lot of things the same way... especially noises.

    I think everyone that feels more sensitive that the average, before his first TMS symptoms, could say yes to the poll.

    The poll is also a good start for this kind of sharing, which I do appreciate. :)
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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