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Day 1 Possible CRPS and possible injuries

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Gardenermum, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. Gardenermum

    Gardenermum Newcomer

    I had a go kart run into the back of my heel almost 6 weeks ago, I got a tiny fracture of the cuboid bone but my heel and underneath the foot have been the most painful. I'm currently unable to put weight on my foot without it feeling like I'm walking on a sharp knife edge and causing delayed swelling and nerve pain. My whole foot seems to have limited circulation as it is purplish and cold for most of the day.
    I am still struggling to believe that there is nothing causing some of the pain while at the same time believing that some of the pain is TMS/CRPS and my emotional state definitely needs work, I have 2.5 weeks before I see the specialist again to hopefully get an MRI to check all my ligaments as I have a history of ligaments causing me problems but I'm determined to get my life back

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