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Practical tips to apply TMS methodology.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by chintand17, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. chintand17

    chintand17 Peer Supporter

    Hello all, i have messaged here previously. I am suffering from extremely debilitating conditions and i am trying all it takes to calm down but the hyperacusis has really taken over my mind.

    Can someone suggest practical / simple tips to apply TMS? I have read Sarno’s book, completed the 21 day program of Alan Gordon but somewhere i am not able to execute. Maybe i am trying too hard, too many different things.

    Any help will be appreciated
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. chintand17

    chintand17 Peer Supporter

    I am sorry. I am hyperstimulated, my breathing has become shallow. I am unable to think logically about a pain free future. Its 24*7
  4. RenéeB

    RenéeB Newcomer

    Hi chintand17 -- I'm sorry you are in so much distress. I might have some ideas for you.. I've read your posts and see that the sound sensitivity started shortly after an MRI to investigate dizziness. I assume the MRI experience was loud and that your nervous system was already on high alert. I'm a therapist who treats people with persistent concussion symptoms in context of post traumatic stress -- and I'm beginning to piece together how Dr Sarno's theory applies to all of this, especially the part in his book The Mindbody Prescription about 2 of the 12 cranial nerves impacting eyes, ears, mouth and throat. Feel free to reply to this message or email me at [mod edit: please use Private Conversation to reach @RenéeB] .
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2023
  5. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I do not have intense hyperacusis but I have created associations with certain noises in certain situations that bring me immediate and intense anxiety. Have you tried meditation or simply allowing yourself to feel the anxiety, the discomfort, the fear, and just sit with it without trying to run away?

    I'm sure you have read about this if you've been in the TMS world for a bit, but that approach helped me immensely with this symptom of mine. Looking at the hot flash, heart beating, shallow breath, and fear from a outside perspective, just observing it and trying to send your mind messages of safety in place of the fear and anxiety.

    Sitting with the feelings, physical or emotional, or even meditating can help to quiet your nervous system. The goal is to calm the nervous system so it is not chronically on high alert, and to prove to yourself/your subconscious that you are not in danger but not trying to constantly run away from how you feel.

    I'm an amateur at this at best, but I thought I'd give my two cents. Best of luck to you.
    TG957, JanAtheCPA and chintand17 like this.
  6. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I second what @ARCUser831 says. Meditation is the best tool for the hypersensitive people. I also highly recommend Dr. Claire Weekes audios for anxiety, specifically audios and not books as I find audios more impactful.
    ARCUser831 and Bex1111 like this.

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