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Day 17 Program parts that have been the most helpful

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by homorobothead, Feb 27, 2025 at 8:33 AM.

  1. homorobothead

    homorobothead Peer Supporter

    Hey y'all!

    Doing my homework again, like the little perfectionist I am.

    I actually had a small pain flare up when another potter criticized my work the other day, so my little prefectionistic tendencies definitely contribute. That guy is a literal pain in my neck sometimes.

    For me, the most helpful part of this program was honestly learning to treat my pain with indifference, instead of parking on it and trying to solve it. For me, chastizing or admonishing my brain was NOT helpful, because it reinforced a behavior pattern of self-chastizing that I think was really contributing to my pain and anxiety.

    Instead, per Dr. Schubiner, when I see my pain as a temporary, irritating visitor that can come and go as it wishes, it makes no nevermind to me, it's like my brain gets bored with bringing it back over and over again.

    Outcome independence was also really helpful, the idea that it really doesn't matter if the pain goes away (which is SO HARD to shift to that mindset) really helped me turn the corner. I've had one totally pain free day, but that was one more than I've had in months.

    This forum has been wonderful. I'd like to shout out @berlinale, @JanAtheCPA, and @Cactusflower and another really lovely user who's name escapes me, but has been super encouraging all the same (you know who you are!) for all the good advice and support. Y'all are the real MVPs.

    Anywho, it's going to be a busy one at the studio, so I've got to get my head on straight.
  2. berlinale

    berlinale New Member

    Really happy to read that you are doing so well. :)

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