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Prostatitis flare up

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by last337, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. last337

    last337 New Member

    I was doing much better with managing my pain. I had a big week long event recently and by the end had totally forgotten about my prostate pain. I remember thinking when it all ended how the distraction has really eliminated most of my issue. I even rode my bike a few times and although I felt some pain it was manageable and I was somewhat successful at not attaching to it.
    Fast forward about two weeks, I'm finally getting around to getting a PSA test. I had been putting it off and also wanted to see if I could get the pain to calm down before getting tested. I have seen a urologist a few times. Last visit he said I had some prostate enlargement but nothing crazy but also wanted to get a baseline PSA for me.
    So now I have this test next week and my pain is crazy bad right now. I know that it is due to the anxiety I have about the test. I also know that if I had fun distractions I wouldn't be feeling as much pain. I also know that it is important to do what is called for from a medical perspective but that it can also trigger more issues.
    I am kind of stuck right now because my mind keeps going to what might happen next. Obviously if my numbers are high I will consult with my doctor and see what is next and go from there. However, I just don't know what to do in the meantime. I also don't know what I'll do if my numbers are higher than normal because I feel like it will give me more reason to feel pain. I think that was part of the reason I put off testing.
    Anyways, like I said I am a bit stuck. Any advice on a change to my mindset is very much appreciated.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    You are already somewhat aware of what is happening: you are once again distracted and anxious: worrying obsessively about a future that is yet to be determined. The “what if’s” and also asking the “shoulds” - what should you do.
    My suggestion is to try meditation if you can, with the focus simply on your breath in and out. You’ll repeatedly get distracted but that is exactly what meditation is about.. to bring yourself back to the breath. Congratulate yourself on simply trying this. If you don’t meditate then just sit and breathe, eyes closed with body as relaxed as possible.
    Journal your fears, your anger: what does the idea of focusing on medical being up for you? How does that made you feel in relation to TMS work and learning not to focus on the physical?
    I’d suggest doing nothing more than this, other than lightly observe what you are already noting - what happens when you are stressed and anxious.
    See it for what it is.
    Yesterday I had a medical appointment for a potentially serious issue. My symptoms raged! I also have a gig tomorrow, which is creating anxiety for several reasons.. lots of symptoms. I notice I push myself to “do” to distract but really that’s a lot of self-pressure and makes things worse for myself. Knowing when to chill out in mind and body is important.
  3. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I understand what you're going through. I am in the same boat and in fact wrote a post on here just yesterday about having a bad flare and my anxiety went through the roof. To manage the flare and anxiety, I've been listening to Claire Weekes' book, Hope and Help for Your Nerves. If you haven't read it, I would recommend it. I'm getting to that point where feeling like any significant event or news in my life - good or bad - will cause a flare simply because it induces some type of stress, and that anticipation even stresses me out! Claire Weekes' book and method resonates with my because it helps me to understand that the way that I feel and think does not have to be connected to my physical state.

    The message is to accept how you feel, don't fight it, just let go. Honestly, there's something extremely freeing about it. It sounds like in anticipation of your pain and the dreaded wait, you're already fighting how you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally. Try to stop resisting and accept how you're feeling right now...

    I'm in a flare too and I understand how much is sucks and how hard it is to get to a better state of mind sometimes...just remember you were feeling better and you will again. This flare sucks but it will pass.
    fridaynotes likes this.
  4. fridaynotes

    fridaynotes Well known member

    great strategies within this post. thank you!

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