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Prostatitis, nervo pudendo could it be Stm?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by HugoPorfírio1, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. HugoPorfírio1

    HugoPorfírio1 Newcomer

    In July last year, I had a urinary infection and after 2 weeks the pain became intense, I went to several urologists, took several antibiotics and the pain lasted until the last urologist told me that I had chronic prostatitis and gave me an antibiotic to take for 4 weeks but the pain lasted until I went to the pain doctor and he told me that I had inflammation pain in the pudendal nerve, he gave me medication for the pain but the pain continues to this day, will my diagnosis be Stm if nothing works?
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024

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