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Prostatitis update

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by last337, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. last337

    last337 New Member

    I have been doing much better lately and for the last several weeks kept myself distracted enough to disregard most twinges of pain. However, just as before, I have had a few days of stress at work and some upcoming work events and now I am feeling the similar things. It's funny because one of the main things that provided relief initially was recognizing the correlation in events and pain from my past on these quarterly work events. Once I realized that and got relief I was able to tell my brain to knock it off and move past it. Even when I would feel something I would just ignore it and not obsess over it.
    Well now as these events are unfolding in real time I am surprised to feel the same pain even knowing now what I didn't know before. I have tried to tell myself it's nothing and it's just my rage about the responsibility I bear and although this is a necessary part of my job and livelihood, it does nothing to eliminate that rage.
    Any suggestions on techniques I can employ to help get over the hump again?
    Cactusflower likes this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Journal about it.
    We don’t always feel a singular emotion about things. Perhaps it is multiple emotions.
    Sometimes it is a lack of safety within our emotions. Are you “thinking” rage or feeling it, in your body? Does it bring up other times in your life you have felt this way? Do you fear the rage or have thoughts or worries around it?
    Do you simply have anxiety around these events and that causes you to physically react?
    Are you actually anticipating you will have symptoms (subconsciously), so you do?
    Are you taking time to rest, relax your mind - we can distract by being busy; but that may actually be part of your pattern of tension -your normal pattern of emotional distraction that pushes away emotions as a lack of acceptance instead of taking time to NoT be busy, to just be with yourself and your emotions and your symptoms -to quietly accept them all (meditation, breath work, hanging out in nature, journaling, quietly strumming a guitar, sunbathing.. hiking, walking).
    A lot to think about - can be one thing or several things.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. ARCUser831

    ARCUser831 Well known member

    I am in a similar stage, I experienced initial relief in learning about TMS, but am now in that period where I feel like learning more about it is not helping me overcome it. Listening to Nicole Sachs's podcast a little while back there was a great interview that discussed how many of us get stuck in the pattern of just learning more and more and more, and thereby stall the actual practice of what we've learned. I'm not sure that this is you, but I know it is me...whenever I feel anxious or fearful of my pain, I find myself turning to a book or to this forum, and that is not a bad thing, but I forego journaling, cognitive soothing, thinking psychological, practicing outcome independence. All of the things that I really need to do to begin to truly rewire the neuropathways in my brain.

    I'm still on the road to recovery, but if I had to guess, your consciousness is now aware of what your subconscious mind is doing, but it is still afraid. The next step is to teach it that it is safe through the myriad of tools TMS presents to us and whatever speaks to you personally.

    Good luck to you.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    fridaynotes and JanAtheCPA like this.

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