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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jiminem, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. jiminem

    jiminem Newcomer

    Microdosing psilocybin has helped in pain management. Could it be because psilocybin can take down the barrier between the unconscious and conscious mind. For anyone new to this matter, I don’t suggest microdosing mushrooms as it can let out locked up trauma which can take time to process. If your working and don’t have time to process this information, I would suggest to stay away. This can be a dangerous thing based on your trauma. But for those of you experienced in this area, I’d like to open this for discussion. What are your thoughts about psilocybin, pain and inflammation?
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    In the case of TMS, there is nothing 'inflamed'.

    I actually think everybody on the planet needs to eat mushrooms. Not being funny. To paraphrase the late great St. bill Hicks
    "When you take mushrooms your perception is cleansed and you see that the ILLUSION is that we are separate, when we are actually one..we are all children of god and he loves us and their is nothing we can do to lose that love
    .....What's gonna happen to the Arms industry when we find out we are all one? It'll mess up the economy!
    THAT is why they are illegal!"

    as regards TMS, I imagine they could be super beneficial, and not just 'micro-dosing'... a good old Terrence McKenna 'Heroic dose' could shake loose the foundations of our fake EGO and reveal to us our lies and simultaneously show us how ultimately we aren't all that important and that our grievances and rage is just a normal part of being human...and that defusing of it's 'shame' factor might help reveal it and thus negate it.

    -QUOTE from link "Josh Cook, 32, recently took six grams of mushrooms in the Netherlands after having positive experiences on lower doses. “This trip, which lasted eight to ten hours, helped me put some issues to rest within myself regarding anger and other emotions I carried from childhood to keep a wall around me for protection,”

    story here; https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/61092/1/how-to-take-a-heroic-dose-of-magic-mushrooms-psilocybin-guide (How to take a heroic dose of mushrooms)

    When we used to take them 3.5 grams was considered a solid 'dose' though 1-2 is sufficient. Unlike other drugs there is no 'overdose', but a first timer might want to ease into it.....

    as @jiminem says, it does shake loose stuff from your unconscious and if you're not ready, that's a long 6-8 hours.

    I'm glad the world is changing their attitudes about it...I wish they'd do the same with MDMA....Psychologists were giving it to severely depressed people and since there is not dramatic comedown, it was a successful experiment...but of course the Govt came and shut down that deal, and now this stuff out there isn't pure anymore...but the real stuff, made in a lab? Definitely worth investigating for any trauma and TMS is a kind of Trauma constipation
    JCthart likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey B - you might want to state that this is your opinion! I refer you to my June 7th podcast/conversation with Nicole (which I know you listened to!) where we specifically discuss the stress-inflammation connection.

    I might also refer you to Dr. Gabor Mate, When The Body Says No, subtitled "The Stress-Disease Connection" in which he explains the real physiological effects of long-term emotional stress and specifically emotional repression. Which of course scares the beejeesus out of many people, but which I found inspiring (although I could now be a poster child for his theories since I succumbed to undue stress in 2020 and developed RA). I recall that Dr Mate's technical discussion was beyond me when I read the book in 2012, so I think I need to go back and see if he's really talking about inflammation. Since then, it has become common knowledge that many chronic conditions, from heart disease to diabetes to cancer to all of the autoimmune conditions, are conditions of inflammation. I even have a Harvard Medical treatise on inflammation which says so (given to me by a nursing friend). And in the list of common-sense advice for anyone with these conditions, is the advice to reduce stress. Which WE here know means the stress and distress of repressed negative emotions, rage, and unresolved emotional conflicts.

    It is MY personal opinion - as a retired CPA, obviously not as a health professional by any means - that while the medical industry and Big Pharma are busy spending tons of money trying (still essentially fruitlessly) to find a "cause" for these conditions, so that the "cause" can be targeted with drugs - the real answer lies in treating our ever-increasing emotional stress and distress.

    I know this thread was meant to be about hallucinogenic therapy, but imho the OP legitimately brings up inflammation.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Idiotic narrow-minded decision. I can't even figure it out - wasn't there a ton of support for it amongst practitioners at the VA? Big Pharma is probably behind this decision ... they've got a shitload invested in the anti-depressant/SSRI industry.
    Baseball65 likes this.
  5. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yep... and they had nothing but positive feedback from west coast Therapists.
  6. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    There are a lot of medications that will block the effects of psilocybin, especially antidepressants and other psychoactive meds. So if you're taking any of these medications, it's worthwhile to do some research on this beforehand.
    Baseball65 likes this.

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