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Day 11 Psychical activity

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by EileenW, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. EileenW

    EileenW New Member

    So I've just finished my reading and writing exercise for day 11 and I especially found the sports article very interesting.

    I'm having chronic headaches for a lot of years and tried a lot of stuff. Two years ago I went to CFX in Utah because the doctors told me the headache is because of Post Concussion Syndrome, at 14 years old I had an accident with a ball of my face during field hockey. I had two weeks of treatment where they basically try to improve the blood and oxygen flow in your brain. That's also what Dr. Sarno is talking about in his book, what your body uses to create the pain so I guess it makes sense.

    After that it went a bit better but I started working fulltime and that was very stressful. Since a few months all my symptoms are back and I've started working with the Mind/Body approach. I also started having some Psychical Therapy again where I'm trying to stimulate my brain. But everytime I do this therapy or workout my headache gets a lot worse. You would think that the oxygen and blood would flow to my brain because of the movements. Does the pain gets worse because my brain is conditioned that way? I'm still struggling with this...
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes. The whole point of TMS is to be a distraction. It is to keep you pre-occupied with your body and Conditioning happens reeeeeeally fast... And, it tends to settle in where you'll 'believe' it's real. Since you had a head accident, your unconscious might have chose that as the most believable place. Or the scariest.
    Whenever I work out I prepare by getting a list of emotionally or psychological painful things to focus on when my body starts to try and distract me. Sarno recommended that actually and I just took it a step further.
    Also, it is hard to focus on your emotional state with outside distractions, so radio's, podcasts, friends your chatting with? Those tend to keep us anchored in the 3d outside world. When I am working through and issue I turn them all off so I can go inside and Talk to the TMS.

    example: "I'm gonna keep working out so you can shut up now....In fact, I am really really scared about making rent this month, who is gonna back me up if I fail" etc.....stuff like that. If you are pasting on a smile cause your friend is there it's hard to focus.

    also...day 11? Relax and trust the work...it does work, but you are unwinding years of conditioning....Keep on keeping in there. it won't take years...weeks in most cases (according to Sarno who I always defer unto)

    JanAtheCPA, Diana-M and Clover like this.
  3. EileenW

    EileenW New Member

    Thank you for your answer. The lesson from day 12 comes in nice too, three stategies for thinking clean and what to say to yourself.

    A nice reminder to shut everything of and talk to the TMS.
    Baseball65 likes this.

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