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Question about foot pain/ foot nerve sensation

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tmswarrior32, Jan 22, 2024.

  1. Tmswarrior32

    Tmswarrior32 New Member

    Hey guys so if you read my history you’ll know I posted asking about Morton’s neuroma. Didn’t find as much info as I wanted but did find some old posts on tms help and spoke to two people that healed their Morton neuroma pain with tms. Quick back story…. I went to nyc this thanksgiving and walked miles in high healed boots on Black Friday. My forefeet were burning bad and I woke up the next day and it was burning so I wore low boots with no heals and again walked miles. My feet hurt but it was bearable and not like the day before. The next day i didn't walk much but I did stand a little but it was bearable. On Monday I went back home and walked in The airport again feet burned a bit but ok. I drove 5 hours and everything was fine. That Tuesday I woke up and walked barefoot to the bathroom and felt a weird clicking in my right 4th toe. No pain. I thought it was weird and ignored it. But the clicking kept happening as I walked and I did the worse thing possible:google. Of course I found info on Morton neuroma and catastrophized, researched in the negative fb groups. Read all about the symptoms and of courrrrrseeeee I got most of the symptoms I read about including a zapping when I first stepped in the morning. Then this nervy feeling and clicking sensation on 4th toe. I also felt like someone had a thread tied around my 4th toe. Well, I realized wait this is weird why didn’t I get this pain immediately or these sensations? Why did I get it like 4 days later? By the way I had significant tms improvement a few days before leaving to much for my pots and histamine intolerance doing Nicole Zach’s journal speak so I wondered if it was symptom imperative but since it was so physical after an injury it was really hard for me to believe. What really makes me believe this is definitely TMS is that my good foot started having the exact same symptoms except for the clicking. It also started having this weird buzzing internal vibration which made me positive my left foot is tms. I went to two podiatrist. The first said yeah you might have the beginning of Morton neuroma but if you do it’s mild. The second podiatrist did an ultrasound and said yeah you have a Morton neuroma on the right foot or possibly bursitis but pretty positive it’s that Morton neuroma since you have that nerve clicking. Now I truly believe both feet are tms HOWEVER I DO HAVE A QUESTION FOR WHOEVER HAS RECOVERED FROM SOMETHING SIMILAR.

    Does that clicking go away? It doesn’t hurt it’s just annoying. The podiatrist says it’s the nerve hitting the tendon cause it doesn’t have enough space. The sensation feels funny. I will continue my tms work because I have seen improvement but no budge on that clicking sensation. It only happens when I move in a certain direction. Or is this just a normal abnormality and just live with it?
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sigh, @Tmswarrior32. Way too much attention and far too many words on minuscule and irrelevant physical details. Sorry - I just can't read it but I'll go ahead and bump it since no one has responded so far. In the meantime, perhaps you could read some entries in the Success Stories subforum and see if you can maybe get a different perspective and some ideas to approach this work differently?
    Tmswarrior32 likes this.
  3. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    The rule of thumb is very simple: the weirder are your symptoms, the more likely it is TMS. If you don't have pain or burning or itching, then your body doesn't even send you any signals that something is wrong. I have had all kinds of strange sensations, and the less attention I gave them, the faster they disappeared.
    Diana-M, Tmswarrior32 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  4. Tmswarrior32

    Tmswarrior32 New Member

    Thanks guys it seems to get better wax and wane it’s difficult for me to keep up bc I have that plus other tms like fibro and mcas so I just try to take it one day at a time

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