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Day 9 Questions

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by GAC, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. GAC

    GAC Newcomer

    Today's journaling activity was around me being unwell while I was on holiday. I remembered the panic and fear, the sadness I felt, the intense worry.

    I'm pleased I've journaled about it, but is it normal for me to still feel these emotions in the short time afterwards. Is this a good thing? Like I've revisited the event?

    I also had the opportunity to have a long chat with my mum about my departed dad. I cried, I let loose of all the grief I'd been carrying round for around 2 years. It felt good, it felt right. Can emotional release be performed through acts like this, and not just through journaling?

    On Self-Criticism
    For the past year I've struggled with anxiety, and it's been a rocky journey of good days and bad. I'm definitely at fault for being overly critical of myself when I have bad days. My therapist definitely helped with this, by pointing out that looking for the anxiety will make it appear. Expecting it will make it be present.

    I definitely now take a more kinder approach to myself. Less pressure. At work just talking helps things, it helps others know where I'm at. Even this programme. I'm into day 9, but started on the 30th July, and that's okay, we go at the pace we go.
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey @GAC, it sounds like you're doing some good work. Taking it slowly and mindfully is definitely better than rushing through a program just to check it off the list. Too many people do that and then wonder why they don't get anything out of it.

    Your questions are fine ones for you to ponder with curiosity. They certainly aren't answerable from a program point of view because this work is simply not that black and white. There is no straight path with clear rules and mileposts. It is what it is, and it takes what it takes.

    The only rules really are:
    1. Don't overthink it,
    2. Be mindful of the hidden/repressed messages emanating from your negative fearful brain,
    3. Be willing to be emotionally vulnerable,
    4. Always practice kindness and patience for yourself.
    Ellen likes this.

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