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Quetion to ponder day 4:)

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Nate, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Nate

    Nate Peer Supporter

    Ok so i guess the worst thing i have been told was just recently by my chiro that i had just started seeing! On the first visit he looked at my xrays and pointed out the same abnormalities as anyone else and these said "oh well ive seen this 1000 times over the last 20 yrs ill just do what i can and if it doesnt progress in the next say 3-4 weeks then ill jus have to refer you to a surgeon!" "theres no point making you come back if nothing can be done" he said. The worst part is that from the very begining (and i know may sound stupid) but i felt pressure now thinking that if i didn't start to feel better well then i was screwed as i would need surgery and that almost always is never great! It got to about week 3 with really not that much improvement so i jus simply stopped going lol i skipped my last appointment as i jus did wanna here that there was nothing he could do! Being so recent it is still in my mind, everyday imagining that im destined to spend the rest of my life in pain and concentrating on all the things i wouldnt be able to do.I guess thats one thing i never let myself enjoy what i can do when in pain cause im so concentrated on the pain instead of the activity i should be enjoying.
  2. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well, Nate, at least you're not going to the chiro any more. Abandoning all physical treatment modalities is a big step in the right direction. If you read, Healing Back Pain, you'll notice that one of the criteria Dr Sarno thinks is absolutely essential to getting over TMS is quitting chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, you name it, any form of therapy that emphasizes that what's wrong with you has a physical or structural rather than a psychological basis. Of course, I'm assuming you've already been checked out by a MD to rule out any preexisting medical condition that might be the root cause of your pain? If so, you can start working the SEP without any doubts or fears.
  3. Nate

    Nate Peer Supporter

    Yeah i have been to an MD and was told i had sacroillitis ( inflamed SI joints) but didnt know what was causing it. Then I was told it could be ankylosing spondilitis which freaked me out and for months i thought i did have it and even saw a rhuematologist a few times with really no great help. It was funny cause as i read up on A.S. i started to experience other pains which were related to what i read about A.S. which is me all over lol. iI eventually saw another doc who specialised in autoimmune dieseases and she was really nice. She said i had really good movement in my SI joints and done all the blood work needed. When i went back for the results she said i had little to no inflammation in my body and if i did have it I must have the slightest case of it she had ever seen! Then she said i had nothing to worry about and the resuts showed i was fine. Thats when the physio and chiro venture started and was told again 2 different things. So yeah very confused!! lol Do you think i should get it all sussed out again for peace of mind? Im just not sure anymore.
  4. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sounds like you've done just about everything possible to check your symptoms out for organic causes.

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