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Real Actions in the Real World: John Thorton

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by BruceMC, Jun 8, 2024.

  1. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    I just stumbled across this YouTube video on curing TMS by John Thorton of the Pain Cure Clinic:

    What Mr Thorton states about taking real actions in the real world to cure your TMS Pain cannot be emphasized enough I think. Just doing passive actions like journaling, somatic tracking, or meditation only take you so far unless you move on to performing real actions in the real world, like hiking, biking, running, weightlifting, or dancing. All those essentially passive activities can't bring you out of your shell and get you back to a full range of activities as John E. Sarno, MD believed. I've been making myself run outside lately and doing some unpleasant stretches each morning and those direct physical activities, it seems to me, makes me stand erect and pain-free a lot more than somatic tracking or journal speak. Those passive activities are as good and effective if they motivate you to take the next step and return, as Dr Sarno emphasized, to a full range of physical activities. I think squats in particular make you directly confront the typical painful physical location of TMS symptoms in the lower back. But that's my particular approach. First do 30 squats, then do anything you like as long as it's totally physical.
    Ellen and BloodMoon like this.

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