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Recurrence symptom imperative with strange symptoms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by CPatrick, Apr 30, 2024.

  1. CPatrick

    CPatrick New Member

    I recovered from years of back pain in 2018 with the help of a tms coach. About a year and a half ago I started having weird side aches in my right side. This sensation showed up shortly after I had read that people get right side pain from alcoholism. I drink light beer regularly and It scared me. I tried the tms approach but with no success. I simply couldn't shake the feat I damaged my liver. Eventually blood tests and a CT scan showed no liver damage, but found a hiatal hernia. I don't know what a hiatal hernia is supposed to feel like, but my symptoms shifted to my sternum. So now I'm thinking symptom imperative, but the fear is almost overwhelming. During this time I had a shift in my career and both my parents passed. Then about a month ago both my hands went numb. I can use them but it's a very scary feeling. I'm a hairstylist and a musician so I need my hands. I've also had the pain/pressure in my torso moving all over the place. I'm terrified and keep having morbid thoughts about very serious illnesses that I also believe are mindbody such as ALS, neuropathy, cancer and the like. I know that fear is the fuel that perpetuates symptoms, but in truly scared. I guess I'm just looking for support and validation. Thank you
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi there @CPatrick. I just took a look at your couple of posts from January, and I think I would recommend that you make a commitment to doing a program because it doesn't sound like you ever did anything structured. You're probably going to need to be pushed into taking some emotional risks and be willing to be vulnerable when you do the writing exercises that are recommended, for example in our Structured Educational Program , which is on the main Wiki website, is free, and doesn't even require any kind of registration. It does require a high level of self honesty, being willing to stick with it even if or when symptoms increase (which is proof of the psychological component and should be celebrated, not feared!). You must be willing to recognize when your brain is trying to get you to rush through, skip over things, ignore suggestions, not write down everything that comes into your head, and so on.

    We're here to support this work, and at this point you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

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