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Relapse- can't stand up straight

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Deborah Conley, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Deborah Conley

    Deborah Conley New Member

    Hi, I have not posted here before as I was a TMS expert and for years a TMS therapist and didn't feel the need. I have had periods of relapse over the past 30 years but always get through them quickly once I stop doubting it's anything but TMS. However, I have had hip and leg/buttock pain for 3 months and last week found I could not stand up straight or walk upright without pain. I know it's TMS but would appreciate hearing from anyone else who has had this symptom and worked through it. I am very active and play pickleball and walk and am unable to walk more than a few minutes right now. I had an xray and saw a massage therapist and PT. No one gets it.
    BruceMC and Bonnard like this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Deborah Conley
    The first thing I notice about your message is that you only discuss your physical symptoms, and you don't mention your psychological state at the time of your most recent symptoms. What has been going on in your life? Do you find yourself repeating patterns of thought or belief that may perhaps be causing you unnoticed emotional distress or stress? You do mention that "stopping doubt it's anything but TMS" is one of the patterns you tend to go through. Perhaps there are others.
    As for your symptoms. Two things of note...I do a strange form of pt along with TMS work (which some do not believe is a good combination, but it is working for me). They tend to get two types of back patients - those who are stuck forward or like myself. Their patients tend to do well over time when their nervous systems become regulated, and they become more confident and sure with their movements and begin to breathe in a more relaxed and less anxious manner.
    I believe they are on to something because your story is much like Dani Fagan's of MyTMSJourney (website). She was stuck forward like yourself and needed to regulate her nervous system which she did by a lot of yogic meditation and breathing techniques along with becoming more confident physically through her yoga practice as well as doing the TMS emotional work. She regularly posts on social media and has discussed that on occasion she feels a struggle beginning with her physical symptoms, but mostly has had to battle with her emotional/personality traits that contribute to her TMS. Her website discusses her story, and outlines the work she suggests people do to heal.

    I have found her story, the story of Nichole Sachs, plus our own @TG957 and @miffybunny who have all had very significant (although not exactly the same) symptoms they have overcome!

    Hope this is helpful!
    BruceMC and Bonnard like this.
  3. Deborah Conley

    Deborah Conley New Member

    Yes, very helpful!
  4. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Deborah, TMS can be very deceiving. I thought I was an expert on TMS after I recovered from a quite severe case of it, yet, it fooled me with a new set of symptoms. After about $500 in chiropractor fees I discovered that it was my good old friend. All went away. @Cactusflower gave you a great advice, take it! Good luck!
  5. Deborah Conley

    Deborah Conley New Member

    yup not only was I an expert having overcome many many symptoms, but I was a TMS therapist. I totally agree that this new bout has been fooling me by giving me such intense leg pain and inability to stand up straight. I am in a much better mode after a week of trying an internest, prednisone, massage and PT. This morning I realized what I was doing. Total Nocebo effect.
    TG957 likes this.
  6. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    I think finding somebody who has worked through this particular symptom may not get you very far...because your mind/body could just throw some new symptom at you.
    @Cactusflower provides those excellent questions & suggestions about switching the focus away from the physical symptoms.

    I had some ridiculous symptoms show up last winter, where I had a hard time walking and getting through each day. What was going on had to do with significant life stressors, and some really negative repetitive ways I was thinking about what was going on. I had gone through losses that brought up childhood patterns and brought back some of those negative patterns within family relationships.
    TG957 likes this.

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