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Rotten smell in nose and breath

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by rjh18, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. rjh18

    rjh18 New Member

    Still having a rotten smell in my breath and nose going on 8 months. It started when I had prostatitis issues back in April. Then I was having LPR symptoms and started taking PPI's which seemed to clear up the gerd and excess mucous however the bad smell still lingers. Sometimes it gets a bit better and then worse. I haven't been able to get rid of it. Had an ENT scope but she found nothing. Now I am having sinus headaches and nausea. Could this whole thing be TMS.

    @Ellen I know you had something similar. Were you able to get rid of it?
  2. rjh18

    rjh18 New Member

  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Not sure what you're referring to. I've had so many different TMS symptoms over the years, I can't keep track anymore. But I don't have anything currently that matches your description, so that would imply that I did, indeed, get rid of it.

    Generally, if you've ruled out a medical explanation for the symptoms, then it is likely TMS and should be treated as such.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @rjh18, have you ever settled down and made a commitment to doing a program like the SEP? That's the advice you received when you started posting here.

    It's time for you to stop posting detailed descriptions of your symptoms and your medical treatments and start doing the hard emotional and psychological work!

    We are here to to support you doing the work, but we can't continue to enable your continued obsession with the physical symptoms. The obsession is part of the TMS process and it is keeping you stuck.
  5. rjh18

    rjh18 New Member


    Before doing the work I need to know and feel confident that this is TMS and not another medical condition. Having a doubt regarding this makes the treatment ineffective. Knowing that there are others with similar symptoms is what removes the doubt allowing the program to be effective.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Nope! Belief comes by doing the program. That's what Educational means!

    This response is your brain on TMS. It has you exactly where it wants you to be: stuck in fear. Same as five months ago which is when @Cactusflower gave you the same advice to do the work. This is not rational!

    Just do it! If you can't fight back against your lying tricky primitive fearful brain, you might need professional help, meaning therapy.
  7. rjh18

    rjh18 New Member

    That’s not what Dr Sarno told me. He said in order for the program to work you must accept a diagnosis of TMS and that it is not a medical condition.

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