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Ruptured, sequestered disc

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Susannita, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. Susannita

    Susannita Newcomer

    Hi all
    Am struggling with a ton of nerve pain from a sequestered disc L4/5. The pain runs down my leg, shooting, stabbing, spasmic. I am doing TMS work since 2020 and have been painfree since...till now. J am frustrated, disappointed and somehow believe this is a structural issue. The MRI clearly shows the nerve compression. My pain is 100% related. No back pain, but horrible nerve pain down my leg.
    Thoughts? I am doing TMS work, but not getting anywhere.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Unfortunately, you won’t get far unless you can see how your stress including the stress of conscious “disbelief” that this is TMS (which will most likely cause lots of other emotions).
    Frustration is anger: rage.
    You’ll need to work on your belief, your mindset (have you fallen into TMS traps? Search this forum for the. 5 F’s of Dr. Schubiner.), be kind to yourself, show patience… quell the desperation.
    come up with a basic working plan for flair ups.
  3. Susannita

    Susannita Newcomer

    Hi. Thanks for the response. There are structural issues though and as Dr Hanscom just told me, pain going down my leg in this case IS structural pain. Back pain due to the ruptured disc, would be TMS...which I do not have. So I seem to this time have a structural issue and thats ok
  4. Clover

    Clover Peer Supporter

    My understanding is that the structural pain should pass in a few weeks as the tissues heal. All of the pain beyond that is TMS and it is the mental and emotional work that needs done. So even if you do have a structural diagnosis, it is a good idea to keep moving with the TMS work so the pain fully clears up.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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