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Sacrifice in Healing

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tms_joe, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    Just curious. What would you give up to be healed of your TMS forever? Say I found the genie in a bottle and want to grant you this wish. How deep does it go for most? Would you choose $10B instead?

    Your marriage? All but your last dollar? 20 years shorter life? Become homeless?

    Where's the limit? Try to take it seriously. We all might learn something.
    backhand likes this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I would not give the normal and natural mind/body connection anything to “go away” because it is part of humanity.

    Why do you ask us to take such an unserious question so seriously?
    TG957 likes this.
  3. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    A question is just a statement seeking to understand.

    It's not serious or unserious. Only the one posing the question puts emphasis to indicate the context and tone.

    The question did not say anything about removing the mindbody connection. It's about removing the TMS symptoms. The results people speak of in the success stories.

    It could be more clear bc it's basically 2 questions.

    If you had one magic wish, would you remove your TMS symptoms or choose something else?

    If you had to sacrifice something in your life to be cured of TMS, what are you not willing to sacrifice?
  4. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    Not sure I’d be willing to sacrifice anything! So either I don’t suffer enough or my TMS is very deep-rooted? Interesting to consider that.

    Maybe lose some of the activities that are fun to me but cause extra stress/chaos. Or maybe shed some of the neurons that say do this, do that, this is not done, more trouble over here in my head.

    In terms of monetary trade, I don’t think I would consider one. I have already ignored buying a new bed (I suffer most at night) or undertaking an MRI to find out more because of cost.

    Now if you gave me $1m, @Tms_joe, maybe I’d give it away if you told me it would rid me of pain AND do good things for others?!
    JanAtheCPA and Cactusflower like this.
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    My answer is I would change nothing. I don’t much care if you can accept that answer or not.

    Most people start with wishing their symptoms would magically go away. Doctors, prescriptions, operations, searching for the “magic pill”. Even with TMS work most people really hope that after a few weeks the symptoms will magically disappear and that they never suffer again. If the “symptoms” (especially if you consider the symptom only the physical manifestation of TMS) disappear, people will still most likely suffer because TMS isn’t the physical symptom. That is merely the aside to what causes TMS (as explained by Dr. Sarno).
    @lucieG totally gets it!
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Huh. My serious response is that this is fantasy (and thus can't be taken seriously) at best, but at worst, it could be an invitation to those who are already suffering from over-thinking to continue distracting themselves with mind games instead of moving towards emotional vulnerability.

    Only IMHO, of course.

    They can't all be winners @Tms_joe!
    TG957 likes this.
  7. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    This is...simply questions. What you describe are potential reactions from people. Those definitely are possible.

    Nobody is picking winners and losers. If being done with TMS symptoms makes you a winner, then your statement is incorrect. More likely we've misunderstood each other.

    The more experiences or things that are chosen above being free of TMS symptoms reveals to YOU where your priorities lie. Makes no difference what one tells other people. Most people have conflicts inside like this around some matter or another.

    When that person then spends years on their TMS journey claiming they don't understand why it's not working or "IF" it is TMS the problem is revealed.

    When one is completely convinced TMS is the problem, and is willing to make it life's #1 priority they will be healed.

    This was my last post on this forum forever. I've clearly triggered a few of the natives by coming at this from a different angle. Sincere seekers need to take note of the success rates. Look at the number of members. Look at the number of success stories. It's not that there's some more effective method you should read about on another forum. It's simply the case that the majority are failing to heal. Know this. Apply the most serious skepticism. Everything I've posted in the past couple days came from real life experience and immense suffering. None of it is a reposting of other ideas. TMS did cripple "my life.". It no longer does, and has not for years. Understanding continued to deepen around the issues. Once in a while I come on here to spread some information in case it's helpful. Indications are that it's not wanted. This place is providing more distraction and suffering for those that have the answer and won't "jump." Watched myself do that under immense suffering and had to leave here to heal. God bless each of you. I will indeed pray that each of you finds what you seek in the precise way you need to see it. Your TMS is just a big misunderstanding after all.
    backhand and lucieG like this.
  8. lucieG

    lucieG Peer Supporter

    @Tms_joe, please don’t go. ALL input here is valuable. All fresh content is important to keep the forum live for new people like me who need guidance.

    I have found ideas and food for thought in every single post I have read so far.

    I took your question as an invitation and thought about it. And I concluded maybe I have TMS because I am so unwilling to change/sacrifice things. That was a useful perspective to acquire.

    I think I misled myself by the trade-off choices I was playing with initially. I am not trading my mariage or my kids or my dreams or my resources. No way.

    But I can trade, and already have traded, lots of time to think about TMS and the issues that cause it for me. I am prioritizing it over other occupations. And your second post helped me clarify that, too. I can also trade all my rages for acceptance that I have those emotions.

    So stay and keep contributing ideas that push all of us. This is probably THE venue where we all get triggered and learn from. That’s who we are, I guess. :)
  9. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    This hypothetical narrative is really a just a masquerade for doubt. It's just another flavor of trying to treat symptoms in an imaginary Faustian bargain. It's a form of mental bargaining because deep down there's a conviction that you will never be free of symptoms. We have to expose doubt or it will fester and poison the well. It truly keeps people stuck and defeated. Doubt will also attack the source that threatens its existence (remember doubt wants to perpetuate symptoms and maintain its function...to keep symptoms "chronic")...i.e. it will attack logic and info, and the people trying to help (including the natives) who are offering that logic and info. Don't be tricked by doubt and its physical representations (the symptoms). It literally is the devil so don't even entertain negotiations with it !!(not even in an imaginary scenario since the brain doesn't differentiate between imagination and reality when it's in danger mode). When we can see clearly how this mechanism works, we disable the reason for symptoms to exist. We render the tms strategy useless.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
    lucieG likes this.
  10. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Tms_joe , when I was at many of my low points on my two year journey, I received advice from the veterans of this forum, and quite often it was not what I wanted to hear or what I liked upon hearing. Many times I concluded that they were just arrogant or condescending. But then I thought that since they got better, they understand something that I don't. I know, you have been here for a long time and likely have invested tremendous time and effort into TMS healing, but it does not seem to be within your reach - for now. I understand that you did not find your answers here, which is quite possible, we don't claim to know everything, we are the lucky ones who were able to heal. Of course it is up to you whether to leave this forum or not, but I encourage you to do one thing: do not give up on yourself and continue trying, whether with this forum or not. Best of luck to you! Sincerely, TG
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024
    miffybunny likes this.
  11. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    On a serious note, Isn't that exactly what so many people experienced--like they found an unbelievable answer (a genie in a bottle)--when they first read Healing Back Pain or another of Dr. Sarno's books? That their wish to be rid of the symptoms was granted?

    There are many posts and success stories about folks finding immediate relief just after reading one of those books. Many people had symptoms return, of course, and had to do additional and deeper work. BUT, the power today is that there are so so many resources available. There is a lot more known, and quite a few programs/resources/videos, etc.
    So, those wishes can be granted by coming to the forum and branching out to the various practices that work best for you, and getting busy with the work.

    The Success Stories are filled with folks who found their ultimate wish came true.
    Michael Coutts, miffybunny and lucieG like this.
  12. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    That is EXACTLY how I felt. Like I just won the Lottery...better even, because winning the lottery wouldn't have made my pain go away. Money is finite and once it's spent, your done. What we learned in this process has lasted and worked for a long long time...and it is always miraculous

    I finally hit bottom and bought and read "Healing back Pain"...in fact, before I was but a few pages into the forward I KNEW this was my problem and I had a strong feeling it was my solution. I was literally joyous and that's not a word most people would have associated with me.

    A week or two prior to finding that book I had Pentecostals Pray over me...I was THAT desperate. I couldn't make myself believe what they believe, but it made me immediately reconsider every religious and spiritual thing I knew to that point. For all intents and purposes their prayers worked! I also realized that all of the Miracles in the bible aren't just 'metaphors'

    Before the miraculous recovery, I was a slave to reason and logic and math and physics...and I was miserable. Experiences with TMS and other apparently unsolvable problems have broadened my mind about everything...and most importantly, reminded me that just because I can't solve a problem, doesn't mean it's unsolvable.

    ...so...what was it ? 10 Bil? Not even close to a good trade
    backhand likes this.

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