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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Cindymartinez, Sep 22, 2024.


Hola. Alguien se ha curado de sacroilitis

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  1. Cindymartinez

    Cindymartinez Newcomer

    Hello, I am from Colombia, I am 32 years old and a little new to this topic. Since last year I started having lower back pain caused by exercise, I stopped training for a few days and the pain went to my leg and hip, over time the lower back pain disappears and I feel a twinge in my sacrum. I had a gammagraphy and was diagnosed with bilateral sacroiliitis, as well as inflammation of several joints with pain in the buttocks and both legs. I would like to know about success stories against sacroiliitis, I have done it daily, I follow the program but I feel like I still don't believe it 100%. My pain is 24/7, I have had anxiety and depression insomnia as a result of this. I had stopped taking medication but I am taking it again.

    Me gustaría recibir algún consejo, muchas gracias.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @Cindymartinez
    The first thing I see in what you are writing is that you still think: "Since last year I started having lower back pain caused by exercise".
    Pain from exercise is natural and normal when you use muscles. It fades away in a few days as your muscles get stronger and used to working out.
    Chronic pain is pain that stays around long after there is a physical "cause".
    If you have not yet read any book by Dr. Sarno, I suggest that you do (translated into many languages). It will explain how anxiety and unrecognized anger, rage and other hard emotions are part of why our bodies begin to express these emotions through pain. Your body is asking you to pay attention to your emotions, and also to your thoughts. Dr. Sarno also explains how our personalities effect the way we think about ourselves.
    Inflammation is a chemical response of the body due to stress - it happens to people who have accidents, or to people who are ill. I had a lot of inflammation (which was diagnosed as "arthritis" in my sacrum and spine. It totally went away when I became less stressed about what Doctors were telling me and when I began to recognize that I was having stressful thoughts about certain things in my life. It's amazing that how we think and what we feel can effect our physical bodies.
    Depression and other symptoms like insomnia are not uncommon with TMS because it is both caused by anxiety and also increases our anxiety.
    On this forum we don't usually use works like "sacroiliitis" - that is a doctors term. We might say "pain in the sacrum" or "low back pain". This area has been a symptom of mine for many years. With anxiety and fear (not just of pain, but of many things in life, and in my thoughts" I held my body very tight, and this area was effected. I now have occasional pain in this area but have learned not to be afraid of it. I have face my emotions, my stressors and recognized my anxiety. A book by Claire Weekes (she has many, any one is good) explained how to help with my anxiety. I learned to journal about my emotions and stress, to meditate to get away from my anxious thoughts and to realize that the worry and fear are making symptoms worse.

    Here is a good success story: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/dr-sarno-is-king-back-pain-pelvic-pain-anal-pain-glute-pain-

    Here is another one: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/a-physicians-tms-story-rsi-hyperacusis-and-much-more.7658/ (A Physician's TMS story - RSI, Hyperacusis and much more.....)

    Here is one more: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/healed-from-chronic-back-pain.25621/ (Healed from chronic back pain)
  3. Cindymartinez

    Cindymartinez Newcomer

    Hola muchas gracias por tu respuesta.
    Si lei el dolor de espalda. Sino que aún me cuesta creer, porque parece tan real. Te agradezco mucho, revisaré los enlaces que me compartes y el libro. Bendiciones

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