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Day 18 Sarno was right…

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by ellaclaire33, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. ellaclaire33

    ellaclaire33 Newcomer

    Though lots of other emotions are present in my daily writings, anger is a big one - the most prevalent by far. Almost all of my entries contain a significant dose of anger. I’m angry that people expect so much of me, that people hurt me, that adults put so much pressure on me as a kid.

    My therapist also helped me to acknowledge a lot of shame and fear. I’m learning that I can be too passive and perfectionistic to negate shame and fear (of loss, poverty, abandonment, etc.), only to then become angry that I’m doing too much and people are walking all over me! It’s a vicious cycle.

    I’m grateful for all of these insights, and even more grateful that I’m back to pretty much back to all of my normal activities with a reduction in pain and GI symptoms.
    HealingMe and JanAtheCPA like this.

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