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Day 31 Setback and how to handle it

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by White Flower PR, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. White Flower PR

    White Flower PR New Member

    Hi. Today is my #31 day, but for the last week i have had left hip, left ribcage "unwanted sensation" especially when i move, stretch and i dont want to mention the "unwanted sensation " in my hip..... grr
    I keep thinking::: what's going on? what are you feeling? any stress? any emotion? trying to think psycologically, but to no avail.
    i meditate, do somatic tracking, mindfulness, i do self compassion, and nothing...
    I dont know whats going on, if its ME worrying about it, or i just keep my mind on the unwanted sensations....
    Any advice please
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Maybe it’s an extinction burst?
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    "Unwanted Sensations" is pushing away the sensation. It is simply the ol' TMS trap - when you focus on the sensation and attempt not to feel it you actually feel it MORE. It is exactly how we push our emotions away.
    Sometimes you just lean into it, with honesty. "Oh, hi! Here you are again, I don't like to say it, but welcome. Welcome to my body that has sensations and I feel things in my body and in my emotions." and move on with your day.
    You are worrying about it and trying to fix it by doing the somatic tracking and meditations BECAUSE you feel it.
    The way to conquer these symptoms with those methods is by doing them whenever - not to fix, not to focus and if you find yourself fixing and focusing when you do them, perhaps you take a break and find another way to take your mind away from the symptoms and calm down. Go for a walk and tell yourself you are going to focus on finding 10 different trees, or 5 different birds, or see who sells the weirdest shop windows on an urban walk...or if you go for a drive, how many yellow cars you can find ..BANANA~!
    You need to teach your brain that we have sensations, and that they won't necessarily stick around forever and that we can feel those things without panic, fixing, focus, freakouts, frustration etc. and if you do fall into this, that you recognize it and move on with your day without self-judgement.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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