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Severe Shoulder, Arm and Neck pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by sleepyjazz, Aug 17, 2024.

  1. sleepyjazz

    sleepyjazz Newcomer

    Hi, New here, hoping to find some answers while waiting for scan results.
    About 2 1/2 months ago I was having a break at work, moved to get up and suddenly experienced severe pain in my right shoulder and cramping down the arm.
    “This happened about a week after getting over a bad chest virus”
    I went to emergency, on the second day, as the intense pain had not subsided.
    After blood tests, wires everywhere, X-rays on my Lungs, it wasn’t Heart or Lung related.
    I was given an Opioid drug and an anti inflammation medication, neither of which helped.
    I visited my Doctor, set up a CT scan on my neck and ultra sound on shoulder, “a month wait”.
    Since this started, I’ve had about 7 attacks with the cramping, it lasts 3 day, leaving localized pain in the arm, like a bruising pain, which has got worse after every attack, along with a more serious pain in shoulders.
    I can press certain pain area’s that can trigger a cramping sensation, there’s also a clicking sound about 2 inches below top of shoulder, to the right, while movement is becoming harder.
    To a lesser degree, I’ve also acquired a similar pain and cramping on the left now, though it’s intensity is way less painful or lasting.
    I have an old neck injury, that usually affects the left side and that usually comes as headaches and tingling in arm and fingers, neither of which are present here.
    I do work in an industry where there is a lot of repetition on my limbs, while also when younger played guitar in bands, so I can understand that I’ve put a lot of stress on my shoulders.
    The only other issues I have with health are several teeth snapping in a matter of 2 months, and I have an issue in my hip that doctors and scans have not isolated, that happens once or twice a year, it causes my leg to collapse, along with pain, beyond that I’m pretty fit.
    I hope I can get some answers from the kind people here
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @sleepyjazz
    First things. We’re just a bunch of people who also had unexplained symptoms, not Dr’s or professionals so we can’t actually give you answers but we can help you possibly find your own answers.
    How did you find us, and have you read any books by Dr. Sarno?
    I suggest you first start at this website by reading through tmswiki.org - loads of information there!
    Looking back when you first began experiencing symptoms (and just before) , can you think of any stressors in your life, or how you had been feeling?
    Ellen and Baseball65 like this.
  3. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    All of these are 'normal' symptoms of TMS. I have suffered from both of them
    I used to have to walk by 'assisting' my leg as couldn't bring it forward from weakness.

    I read 'Healing Back Pain' by John Sarno and the symptoms went away in about 3 weeks. This site is a group of people all familiar with his work and how to employ it and become pain and symptom free. Love to have you join us.


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