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Day 16 Sharing Success

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by LAguy, Jul 9, 2024.

  1. LAguy

    LAguy New Member

    Besides one bad setback, I've been feeling amazing lately. I'm on Day 16 of the program, but I've been doing this for 25 days or so.

    I began to share my story with some friends and colleagues and the responses have been interesting.

    I get a lot of encouragement, and at the same time a lot of bewilderment. I can sense the doubt from people close to me, but I don't blame them, after all, I shared the same doubts for so long.

    But as I continue to share the story, I've been surprised at how many people want to know more. Friends and colleagues began to share with me their debilitating pain, endless unsuccessful treatments and even surgeries.

    They want to know more. How does it work? Why does it work? How do they get started. I can sense a lot of doubt from almost all of them, but desperation creates action, even in the most strange circumstances.

    I have been honored to send several folks to this forum and the structured program, refer Sarno's books, and share my experience thus far. All of these tools simply further to help me get better, while helping others on the right path.

    The combination of journaling, meditation, learning, sharing in this forum, sharing with friends and colleagues, and diving deep into my own stresses and challenges have all contributed to feeling almost no pain in the last near month.

    I'm able to perform actions that would normally be my triggers and experience no pain. I'm able to talk with my spouse with confidence. I'm able to pick my kids up (something I haven't done in 4 years) without any fear.

    It's all here for us. It was here all along, in our own head. It amazes me that presence and truth have been there all along hiding in plain site. Tools, such as this forum, books and the structured program have been able to begin pulling things out of me, but sharing and performing is bringing the tools to life and I can't think of a better share than this.

    I now see and understand why this program exists. It's a tool to share. As we improve ourselves, we share and this only continues to improve ourselves. I'm grateful for this forum, for the program created here, and grateful to all of you here, as well as all the people I've shared with and all the people I will continue to share with on the way to a pain free wonderful life.
    JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    This is Fantastic News! How exciting you are making such dramatic progress! Picked up your kids for the first time in 4 years! My gosh! Sharing and helping people. Your share here is really helping me, for one. I’m following your formula. And I agree the wiki is huge. When you share here, you solidify your conviction. And you learn and change. It’s all here! Congrats on your progress!
    JanAtheCPA and LAguy like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is nothing short of AWESOME AF @LAguy!

    I. LOVE. THIS. I can't even begin to say how much I love it.

    Great work, please keep us posted!

    LAguy and Diana-M like this.

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