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Day 8 So far...

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by GAC, Aug 13, 2024.

  1. GAC

    GAC Newcomer

    As said at the outset, whilst on this journey to heal chronic pain. I'm just enjoying the experience of getting in touch with emotions, giving myself the permission and space to feel things which honestly, I've probably bottled up. The more I do it the more emotional I find myself being. The least little thing gets the tears going at the moment, and that's okay, this is feeling, this is release.

    I've kept adding things to the list as my mind opens up and awakens to what's taking place. This week I'm taking a trip to see my mum, to talk about my dad's passing two years ago, its time to let myself grieve properly, without holding emotion back.

    My pain is well on the move now, started on the left of my abdomen, now happens on the right, now I get mild lower back pain, but never at the same time, and tends to move between the three. There's some worry here that I'm just inviting further symptoms on myself, but as Schubiner said, I have it on the run, so I am hopeful that as the work continues, symptoms will lessen, and the body will recover.

    Onwards to week two!
    JanAtheCPA and Ellen like this.

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