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So this happened today...

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Booble, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I Found a Closet Full of Rage

    In the early hours of the morning
    while I still lay in bed
    pondering yesterday's difficult day
    having to release an employee
    whom I love
    I came upon a closet tucked deep in my mind.

    The door of the closet was closed
    and busting at the seams
    with anger and rage
    knocking and screaming to get out.

    My little self sat on an old oak floor
    in front of the door
    playing obliviously,
    humming a silly tune.

    I approached little me
    and looked up at the door.
    "Shall we let it out?"
    I looked back to the floor
    "Oh no. We must leave that.
    Leave it be."

    The door was bursting like a cartoon image.
    As if Wile E. Coyote was there behind
    spitting mad. With Acme TNT?
    With each bang on the door
    I saw thought bubbles
    seeping out from the sides
    With Kapow! Zam!
    And #$%@ too.

    "Let's let it out." And I approached the door.
    Little me cowering behind my legs.
    I reached for the knob
    and like Pandora I opened the door
    And let them flurry out.

    The bubbles and beasts came rushing forth.
    I got down low with little me
    and we let them swirl around.
    And as they swirled we noticed among them
    tiny little hearts.

    We breathed in the anger
    big deep breaths
    and let it snarl out our noses
    like fire breathing dragons.

    While the little hearts danced around.

    The anger was good
    The rage and hate.
    So we breathed in more
    and we snarled it back out.

    And after we let it all out
    it drifted away
    And all that remained
    of the difficult day
    were the hearts.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    HealingMe, Baseball65, Mala and 3 others like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member


    This beautiful poem made me cry! Thank you so much for writing it and for sharing it! My favorite part is above. Such beautiful imagery and it will stick with me. Really great. It will help me through the journey. I had a hard day and I love this. Thanks again!
    Ellen, JanAtheCPA and Booble like this.
  3. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you, that is very kind of you.
    All of that actually happened this morning. Yesterday I had to fire a woman who has worked with us for over 15 years. It's someone I love and care about very much. It was painful to do and thoughts about it kept popping up in the back of my head. I thought to myself if I don't ponder over the mixed emotions it's going to be like shoveling more shit onto the TMS pile.
    I was awake but half asleep and didn't have pen and paper. What I do in those circumstances is I use my finger and pretend to write on my leg. I'm not sure why but the act of brain to hand to writing works better for me than just thinking in my head.
    And what I wrote about regarding finding that closet is what happened!

    When I started to write out what had happened I hadn't planned on formatting that way....that just kind of happened so I went with it. :wacky:
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2024
    HealingMe, Diana-M and JanAtheCPA like this.
  4. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    That is a great idea! Yea, I think the act of “writing” even on your leg is what releases things. That is amazing. I love it!

    I’m so sorry you had to let your friend go. That must have been horrible.
    Booble likes this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Awesome, powerful visualization @Booble.

    Life will always bring pain. The question is, how will we choose to respond?
    Booble likes this.

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