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Some trembling from muscle tension ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by KEANU4141, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. KEANU4141

    KEANU4141 New Member

    My TMS symptoms include of Muscle tension which is literally everywhere, along with a bunch of other symptoms that I believe I've listed before all of it which other the one developed in the last year. 2 days ago I started to notice some slight trembling and I first almost described it as weakness but its not like im weak but its a bit hard to explain but like if i put my legs straight up and flex them i notice some trembling and some in my hands I know its not great to talk about symptoms and focus on it to much so you don't reinforce it but this has just been in my head and I would really appreciate an answer. Also when I first noticed it was right after noticing something that has to do with something i feel really guilty about and i noticed that and have for years (im only 17 too) and it is the thing that i think is triggering all these symptom's so maybe that has something to do with it or maybe my brain is just trying to protect me because it knows im getting closer to the root of it and its trying to get my attension again. Again id really appreciate feedback on this please.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great job @KEANU4141 !
    Guilt can be enraging to our subconscious. Maybe your subconscious felt justified or vindictive.. or just doesn’t think you should care. It doesn’t matter.
    You don’t even need to dig to find the why’s, the reasons for your pain. Sometimes we do need to clear away some mental cobwebs so we can get to the place of simply being ok with the face we have this deep inner rage (we don’t realize we have) and just say to our minds “I know it’s there, I’m ok with that and can deal with it. I’m fine”
    My muscles have felt trembly and “weak” - yes I believe my body is just trying to throw more at me at these times (and others! The more creative and weird the symptom, the more likely it’s TMS).
    An activated nervous system can feel jumpy and wired, trembly and “on” a bit like it’s just been plugged in. It’s part of anxiety. I just accept it “this is anxiety” and pay it no mind..other than to tell myself several times that day that I am angry and have emotions that I can deal with and am fine.

    You’re doing just fine, keep going!
  3. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    Hi there @KEANU4141,
    Check this post from @JanAtheCPA out.
    --there are resources here that may be super helpful for you:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/nicole-sachs-teens-teaching-teens-tms-another-must-listen.27885/ (Nicole Sachs: Teens Teaching Teens TMS!!! Another must-listen.)

    Teens Teaching Teens TMS: Anxiety, Stomachaches, Migraines and More
    https://audioboom.com/posts/8451497-teens-teaching-teens-tms-anxiety-stomachaches-migraines-and-more (The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW / Teens Teaching Teens TMS: Anxiety, Stomachaches, Migraines and More)
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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