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Sore throat/voice issue - does this sound like TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Logan Cale, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. Logan Cale

    Logan Cale New Member

    I keep getting a weird thing where I feel like I have a sore throat and when I speak my voice sounds hoarse or gravelly to me. However when I speak everyone says my voice sounds normal, when to me it doesn't sound right. I have recorded my voice and I am convinced it will sound hoarse, but when I play it back it sounds fine - strange!

    Everything else sounds fine to me, so it can't be my hearing.

    I think it's TMS just wondering what everyone else things?

    Things which make me think it's TMS

    1. I am a teacher and use my voice a lot so it makes sense TMS would target my voice
    2. It always seems worse on a Friday or Saturday (yes end of working week, but is there if I do fewer or more hours)
    3. If I think about it too much and worry then it seems worse
    4. I have had a history of other TMS problems i.e leg pain, foot pain, ankle pain, shoulder pain etc
    5. I did visit a doctor a while ago and they said they couldn't see anything obvious

  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes! This is a symptom I have on and off. If you think to much about it and it gets worse...that's always a great sign it's TMS, and you are creating tension and stress.
    I totally ignore the physicality of this symptom and immediately wonder what is going on psychologically. What do I want to say that I am having a hard time expressing.
    Logan Cale likes this.
  3. Logan Cale

    Logan Cale New Member

    Thanks for your quick reply, much appreciated. I can think of lots of things I want to say but don't know how to express them. Most of the things are negative things and I don't know how to say them in a nice way (people pleasing/goodist) Time to do some journaling about what I really want to say...
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    My all-time favorite tool for this is the Unsent Letter. It's written to just one person, and it's sent to the shredder. Putting it in an addressed envelope before it goes to the shredder could be a nice bit of finality. It doesn't matter who the person is or even if they are still alive. It's very powerful and very freeing.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    PS - are you aware that the "experts" on journaling (people like Nicole Sachs and Dr. David Hanscom) advise that you not keep an actual journal? Throwing out what you write gives you a lot more freedom to be truly honest.

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