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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Verde, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Verde

    Verde Newcomer

    Hi All,
    New to the forum and not new to Sarno and TMS. IU successfully became pain free. Then in Jan I had an accident and had excoriating pain with X-ray showing splondylolestesis of L5-S1 that had not been present before. I have mild to moderate pain and was also under extraordinary stress (moved, rage at job, palliative care for love of my life and sole companion, etc.). After my companion died (mid-April) 5 weeks later debilitating pain set in. MRI shows "severe" splondylolesthesis of L5-S1 and I am really struggling to stay focused on emotional processing of the trauma and grief associated with loss. Definitely the diagnosis and body oriented focus has "distracted" me. Any advice, help, or sharing of similar splondylolesthesis where pain went away would be appreciated. Thank you!
  2. Aimee88

    Aimee88 Well known member

    Welcome, Verde. I'm so sorry for your loss and grief is very understandable. I can't speak to the diagnosis you have been given, but just to the benefits of doing this work. I really believe as we heal emotionally, our body is then free to heal in all sorts of ways. Has this loss perhaps uncovered suppressed or repressed pain from an earlier loss or tragedy or significant experience in your life? Are you experiencing any times where the grief and pain dissipate? I remember when my husband died unexpectedly, in the days that followed, there were times of grief and times of relief, and I discovered that having a conversation about teaching music (my job that I never call work) with a younger colleague just lit up part of my brain that wasn't grieving and reminded me that there were things in life I still loved and would enjoy doing, even without my husband, and there was relief. Right now, more recently, with my own recurrence of pain, I am again noticing that when I get stuck into something I really enjoy and have skill for (teaching, making jewellery, working with people, playing an instrument), the pain is not noticeable, not present. That's my reminder that it is TMS. I do the emotional work when I can, but other times I just get on with what I enjoy. I do hope you find healing, hope and relief.

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