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Sports Hernia/Adductor Tendinopathy

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Baller03, Jun 9, 2024.

  1. Baller03

    Baller03 Newcomer

    Has anybody dealt with something referred to as a “Sports Hernia”, or Adductor Tendinopathy. 2 years ago, I felt a terribly sharp pain in my left groin after exercising. Got imaging done and some doctors saw nothing, while others suggested surgery due to my symptoms of a “sports hernia”. Since then I’ve had chronically tight hamstrings and hips. My legs have been debilitatingly tight for months now with what’s believed due to compensation for the original injury in my groin/core from 2 years ago. I have done PT, massages, acupuncture, you name it (besides surgery) yet they haven’t resolved my tightness. My groin will definitely flare up if I do isolate groin exercises, however, that sharp pain I first experienced rarely happens. Sounds like TMS however curious if anyone experienced anything similar.
  2. backhand

    backhand New Member

    "Sports hernia" has become a catch-all for many issues. You have had imaging...I'm assuming that includes both x-rays and MRIs. If there were, e.g., an impingement or tear, that should have been detected, so TMS is definitely a possibility.

    I work with athletes. The two I know who were given a formal diagnosis of a sports hernia had issues show up on imaging (still, we know that TMS could have been the root cause). I know of one college tennis player who went to a surgery center in Munich, Germany and was able to return pain free (I have read of others who went to this center who didn't get such great results). I know of a high level runner who had surgery by a specialist in Philadelphia...surgery didn't help.

    Sorry to hear what you're going through. Surgery seems as if it's a roll of the dice for this one. Wish I had a specific recommendation.
  3. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    "Therapeutic eclecticism equals diagnostic incompetence" -John Sarno.

    I Lol'd when I read this..not at you. At THEM...they haven't been able to identify TMS for so long they have to come up with more and more eclectic and verbose titles for plain old Tension myositis syndrome.... or 'Mindbody syndrome'.
    Knowing your an athlete, it was 'sports hernia'...if I went there it would be 'aging syndrome' or 'Construction worker fatigue' or some other BS.

    The word 'hernia' means 'torn' . So I guess you have torn your 'sports'?
    The largest bone in your body heals in 6 weeks...with little pain after the first few days. That is so un-f-ing scientific I can't believe they still peddle fairytales like that.

    Go and read "Healing Back Pain" by John Sarno and it will explain it all better than anyone else..even the Doctors who found your issue. It ought to cost about 12-15 bucks and you will never have to go to one of those fairytale spinners again AND you will become a fiercer competitor knowing that you are the owner of one of the most highly evolved, adaptive and self healing machines on the planet.

    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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